How to treat a taste and Smelling disorder
Are you experiencing a strange issue of everything tasting or smelling the same with no difference in the products? Some helpful suggestions given here may be useful to deal with this problem.
I have been having weird (common) tastes in foods, perfumes, and oils for more than 2 months now. It started as a distorted smell at first for about a month, and then the weird taste came later. I sought medical attention for the first month but the doctor said I had no illness to be treated.
Weeks later, I started having weird tastes and sometimes a common smell and taste in most things. I find bananas and pineapples to have the strongest weird smell. At first, I assumed the fruits were going bad or they had come in contact with fish or an object that had handled fish.
It is not a constant thing. At times, I can smell the original scent of my perfumes or some foods and fruits but never bananas and pineapples.
I have tried changing my cooking oil, avoiding perfumes and scented soaps but it doesn't work. Is this something I should be worried about? Kindly advice.
Weeks later, I started having weird tastes and sometimes a common smell and taste in most things. I find bananas and pineapples to have the strongest weird smell. At first, I assumed the fruits were going bad or they had come in contact with fish or an object that had handled fish.
It is not a constant thing. At times, I can smell the original scent of my perfumes or some foods and fruits but never bananas and pineapples.
I have tried changing my cooking oil, avoiding perfumes and scented soaps but it doesn't work. Is this something I should be worried about? Kindly advice.