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  • Which is best book available on swing trading in stock market?

    Are you looking out for knwing more about the stock market? Wondering how does one learn to do swong trading? Check out this Ask Expert ISC page for answers to your question.

    I am currently investing in the stock market for the long term. I buy the stock and hold it for 2-3 years till the company fundamentals become negative or poorer. I want to now earn around 15-20% return in a few months by swing trading. Which is the best book available on swing trading in the stock market?
  • Answers

    5 Answers found.
  • The following is the list of books that will help you in knowing more about swing trading
    1. Mastering the Trade by John F. Carter: This book was published in 2005 for the first time. Presently its third edition is available. This book is treated as a classic book in day trading. This book will help swing traders to survive in the market that has been changed significantly by the involvement of technology. This book talks more about the own experiences of the author and so it will be useful to beginners.
    2. The Master Swing Trader by Alan Farley: This book deals with the subject in length and you will find many details. Once you go through the book you will understand the depth of the book in this trading. This book will help you to know more about short term prospects.
    3. Come Into My Trading Room by Alexander Elder: This book will give you many proven trading methods. It gives all essential knowledge for productive trading. This book tells you about the psychological methods that are required for disciplined trading.
    4. Swing Trading as a Part-Time Job by Brett Brown: This book is good for people working somewhere also but also wants to engage in trading. It will tell you how to gain profit from short term trading. It will also tell you some advanced skills required for trading.
    5. How to Swing Trade by Andrew Aziz, PhD: This book will inform you about the basic skills that are required for swing trading. Also tells you about the advanced tools, strategies and skills. It is very good for both freshers as well as experienced traders.

    always confident

  • There are many books available for swing trading and one can learn the intricacies about it from them. Some of the well known books in this area are -
    1. Swing Trading with Technical Analysis by Ravi Patel - This book is basically for the beginners in this area.
    2. How to Swing Trade by Brian Pezim - This is also a book for beginners but it is quite clear in explaining the process and related things about swing trading.
    3. Swing Trading - A Guide to Profitable Short Term Investing by Marc Rivalland - This is a very good book and provides various strategies for swing trading.
    4. Swing Trading Made Simple by Godwin Richard - It is a basic book for fundamental understanding of the subject.
    5. Swing Trading by Lowe Mark - It is a detailed book on swing trading covering all the important aspects.

    Knowledge is power.

  • Swing trading is all about taking a position in stocks for a few trading days or a few candles depending on the time frame you trade in. Swing trading is possible anywhere.
    There are different books available for swing trading which are listed as following:-
    1.Come Into My Trading Room by Alexander Elder
    Come Into My Trading Room is a hub of proven trading methodologies. It gives essentials information for productive trading and it provides crucial psychological tactics for disciplined trading.
    2. Mastering the Trade by John F. Carter: This book is considered as one of the best book for swing trading. It was published in 2005. It helps swing traders to survive in a marketplace that has been significantly transformed by technology. It has 481 pages.
    3.How to Swing Trade by Andrew Aziz, phd: This book gives good information about basic skills for becoming a successful swing trader. Then as you proceed to the second section of the guide, you're introduced to the advanced skills, tools, and strategies.
    4.Swing Trading by Marcus Baumann : It is one of the best book. This book might be worth reading. It talks about the basics of swing trading for beginners. It introduces practical ways to make money online i.e. how to profit fast through proven methods.

  • Swing trading is a style, not a strategy. Swing trading works in a short to medium time frame. It lies between the very short time frame of day trading and the long-range of position trading. It is not so small that it takes all your time to monitor the financial market, yet it provides many trading opportunities.
    Many books have already been suggested by the authors, I am adding the book which is recommended by most of the people regarding swing trading -
    Swing Trading Technical Analysis
    In this book, the author has told how to earn money from trading in short term with the help of swing trading. In swing trading, investing only for a few days or even for a few weeks, the biggest advantage of swing trading is that you are prone to lose. This will help you master the short-term trading technique of swing trading. It also gives you an understanding of when to invest in the stock market and when to exit. Candlestick also helps in analysis.
    Identification of intraday trading
    This book will help you in how to invest in the stock market. This book is written by Ankit Gala and Jeetendra Gala. It will provide all the important information like risk control, mind games, strategies for stock selection, source of information, technical analysis, entry, and exit with intraday
    The Option Trader Handbook Strategies And Trade
    This book contains very good knowledge related to Options Trading. Experience and knowledge is the only weapon to work in the stock market and both these weapons are well explained in this book.

  • Swing trading is a sort of trading technology where we have to notice an upswing once the price goes to a complete side way zone. The concept of the swing trading to get out the trading zone at some point when the downside is noticeable.
    We have a lot of good books related to this trading but I liked the book written by Ravi Patel. However, the only drawback with this version is that it is not available in English Version but you may have in the versions of Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati at this moment.
    This book will explain you in getting answer like when to enter into the swing trading, how long to hold and when to sell the share in a shorter frame. If you go through this book, you would be familiar with the concept of the Risk Management Swing Trading.
    This book can help you to master short term trading technique of Swing Trading and you can earn huge profits with the follow up the tips as suggested by the author in the Indian Stock Market.

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