A very good question asked. Though every one enjoy travel, many times we lose the real charms of enjoyment due to our lack of planning and preparation and awareness of needs for our travel. I suggest a few such tips from m travel experience, which can make your travel pleasant and you will not waste time on small things.
General tips:
1. Planning and preparation.. This include knowing maximum about the destination places , their weather features at the time of visit, availability of facilities , etc.
2. Keeping things organized as kits for any general travel as well as based on the specialty of a destination.
Kits needed for any travel of more than a day stay away.
The following is what we follow :-
1.Travel cosmetic/toiletry bag or kit.
There are various types available online and we can buy that suitable for us. This we keep permanent and use in any travel. It can accommodate the daily essential items like toothpaste, brush, comb, talcum powder, soap, perfume, hair oil, kerchief ,tissue paper etc. And any cosmetic or toiletry item we need. As a sub section in this we can keep mosquito repellant etc. For gents shaving items can be kept.
2. Medicines kit:
This can be a small plastic box, or a suitable 'pill organiser' can be bought. From experience I can say this is very convenient. At least a day before travel the essential and daily consuming medicines should be keep in the pill organizer box as per order of taking as per prescription.
3. Cards kit:
A suitable card holder wallet or even a purse can be used for this. We can keep the Debit, Credit cars and also the Aadhaar card and other ID cards usually asked for identification. It is suggested that one can have a separate set of copies of these which can be kept in our money purse and this Cards kit can have the original set. So that for frequent purposes the copies (which are now akin to original due to the QR codes). We can also keep copies of tickets/return tickets in this for safe keep and use.
4. Power kit:
This should contain Mobile charger and power bank. It is better to have a spare universal charger so that it can be kept along with other general travel kits ever ready. This kit can contain any other small electronic devices useful in travel or stay. It can also keep a small handy torch.
5 Snacks kit:
It is always better to keep ready to eat and easy to carry packed items in a kit for any emergency or routine need.
6. Coins and small changes kit:
We should always keep some loose coins and small changes in a small box or bag for travel. They will come to use.
7. Zip-lock packets and covers.
Zip locks and permissible packing kits of various sizes should also be kept at hand and should be included in travel kit as they will be needed any time for anything.
Though I have listed separate kits, an omnibus cabin type bag or any suitable bag or kit can be used to keep all the above individual kits, for ease of use and avoid wasting of time.
As per destination:
A separate kit bag containing Sweaters, Shawls, head and ear coverings etc. can be kept to be used when travelling to cold climate places or during winter season.
As most of us will not forget the usual clothes,, and they may not be repetitive and same for all travels, I am not suggesting about them in kits here.
Personally after one or two long distance or long stay travel we will come to know about the deficiencies from experience and from that w can keep al necessary essential kits as per need.
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Travel tips while traveling with children in India(While it may appear long and tedious on reading, it is easy if we can buy any suitable multi layer toiletry/cosmetic bag or box and keep the organised once. Then it is easy to follow up and update before each travel. Many such creative and convenient products are available online)