Is Annamalai University 2005-2009 BA History degree valid?
Want to know the validity of the BA History degree conferred by Annamalai University? Looking out for UGC notification regarding the same? Here, on this page our experts have provided answers to your question.
I have done my under-graduation degree from Annamalai University (BA History) in the year 2005-2009. Recently, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has said that the distance and open university degrees awarded by Annamalai University will not be recognized after 2014-2015. I did my degree through distance/open university mode. So, is my degree done between 2005-2009 valid? I also want to know what were the rules, then (2005-2009).
I did not verify before joining in 2005. Please, help me! I asked this question previously; but I mentioned 2008. I did my examination in 2008, and the degree was issued in 2009, with the year marked as 2009.
I did not verify before joining in 2005. Please, help me! I asked this question previously; but I mentioned 2008. I did my examination in 2008, and the degree was issued in 2009, with the year marked as 2009.