How to get an experience certificate from PSU when they are denying it
Do you have a query regarding getting experience certificate from a PSU? Want to know further course of action in case the PSU is reluctant to give such a certificate? Find responses from our experts for various ways to resolve the issue here.
I worked in a PSU for around 5 years as an officer. I had resigned due to my personal reasons with proper resignation letter and serving the notice period in 2018. Immediately after resignation I requested for experience letter by sending a letter. But I didn't get any response and later I sent few mails requesting for the same. In December 2020 when it was needed for attending an interview I requested again via email quoting my previous requests which went unanswered. Someone from HR responded and sent an email copy of the experience letter signed by regional manager. Now recently as I wanted to work again and started finding opportunities and as a result cleared scale 2 exam in a PSU. Hence I requested for original experience certificate from the bank to attend interview. They didn't respond over mail and said over phone that it can't be given again. As I said I never collected my original experience certificate, they said it is not with them as well and can't provide another certificate. There was no remarks during my service period. I don't understand why they are so reluctant to give what I rightfully deserve.
What can be done in this case?
What can be done in this case?