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  • Aktu year back rule - how many backs are allowed in BTech AKTU to promote into the next year?

    Want to know the number of backlogs permitted to get promotion to the next year of a B.Tech. course? Find quick answers to this query from here.

    How many backlogs are allowed in aktu 2nd year in BTech to get promoted into the third year? If a student get 8 backs in 10 theory subjects in 2nd year, he/she will be promoted to the 3rd year or not? Does aktu still fail students even after the CBCS system? Does everyone (all colleges) allow to get promoted into the next year?
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • If a student gets 6 backs in the first year, he will not be promoted to the next year. He will be detained in the same year and it is to be repeated. When you repeat the course, a maximum of 4 backs are allowed to go to the next year. All these backs should be cleared before you complete the next year. Otherwise, you will not be promoted to next year.
    For example, a candidate has 4 backs in the first year. He will be promoted to the second year. But he has to complete all the 4 backs before completing the second year. Then only he will be promoted to the third year. Otherwise, he will be retained in the 2nd year only.

    always confident

  • In most of the universities it depends on how many backlogs one clears. Generally if a student is having more than 3 backlogs then he is considered fail and has to rewrite all those papers without getting promoted to the next year. So if one is having backlogs only up to 3 then one would be promoted to next year and then he will have to complete them in that year along with the subject papers of that year. That makes a tremendous load on the student. It is advisable to keep the number of backlogs as minimum as possible. In your case you will not be promoted to next level because of so many backlogs. But there is nothing to worry because whether you go to next level or remain here only, you have to clear them and if you do it in a total of 7 years, in place of 4 years, then you get a degree.

    Knowledge is power.

  • The aspirants should ensure that all the papers included in the syllabus must be cleared in a single attempt and such an endeavour on the part of the students could lead to stress free studies for their ongoing studies. Sometimes, it might not be possible for the aspirants to clear the papers at a stretch. In that situation they should see that their backlog papers should not exceed beyond four so that they could be promoted to their next semester. While preparing the next semester, the pending backlog papers are to be taken care of. If the number of backlog papers for both semesters are beyond 4 but not exceeding 6, he would be promoted to next higher semester. This cycle would continue till he reaches in the eighth semester with some backlog papers. Here the aspirants need to clear the entire papers including the backlog ones to achieve his degree.
    If the aspirants are not able to clear the backlog papers within seven years of their engineering careers, they would be rewarded NFT status signifying that they are not fit for the technical education. In that way, their entire efforts go in vain for pursuing the engineering courses.

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