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  • Does the RD number changes after editing the wrong name in income and caste certificate?

    Does your name in income and caste certificate mismatches with documents submitted? Know whether the RD number changes or not after editing the wrong name in income and caste certificate.

    Does the RD number changes after editing the wrong name in income and caste certificate?
    I have a document verification process now. But there is a mistake in my name in income and caste certificate. Does this cause any problems during my option entry process and set allotments?
    If I try to change the name, it would take 7-10 days, but the document verification process ends at that time. So I have to do now?
  • Answers

    2 Answers found.
  • 1. RD number will change if you edit the name in the certificate.
    2. The difference in the name in your caste certificate may be a problem. So you have to get it corrected.
    3. You have to attend the document verification process and show all the documents required.
    4. During the process of verification, they may ask for the clarification for the difference.
    5, So you initiate the action required for correction before going for the document verification.
    6. During the verification process, you can tell them that there is a mistake in the certificate and you have already initiated the action for rectification and show them the proof. You can ask for a few days times so that you can produce the certificate with proper name.
    7. Alternatively, you can contact a local advocate and make a affidavit saying that the two names belongs to the same person and that affidavit can be shown to the document verification authority.
    Definitely they will consider and give time for correction and producing the correct document,.

    always confident

  • The following points would clarify your doubts hovering over your mind.
    1) RD number is always changeable if you want to edit for any correction/ corrections in your certificate.
    2) There should not any difference in your cast certificate and in your income certificate and if it is so, the same is to be corrected by the appropriate authorities not matching with the corrected ones.
    3) In course of document verification, you need to present all the relevant documents which they would be asking for and they should be free from mistakes.
    4) If there is any flaw in respect of corrections, the authorities might ask you for clarification.
    5) You will have to satisfy the authorities with the suitable answer for the query/ queries made by them. If initiatives have been taken from your end, produce proof in support of your statements.
    6) You can even contact a local advocate for the difference in your name. He would assist you in procuring the affidavit duly countersigned by the appropriate magistrate. Circulate in two newsletters one in English Daily and other in the local one for wide publicity.
    7) Retain the cutting to be shown to the verification authority whenever required.

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