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  • Are Smart TVs and Android TV vulnerable to malware and virus attacks

    Would you like to know whether smart TVs are vulnerable to virus attacks? Are you looking for measures that can protect your TV from such possible attacks? Follow this thread for the possibilities and solutions.

    We know by experience that anything connected to internet is vulnerable to virus and other malware attack. Hence a suitable and updated Anti-Virus, Anti-malware or Internet Security software is an imperative need for our smartphones, PCs, Laptops etc.

    Smart TVs, and the Android TVs are also having connection to internet. With the many newer versions of smart TVs coming, we may also be able to customize and/or install more and more applications and facilities from internet.

    So the natural doubt is are Smart TVs also liable and vulnerable to virus and malware infection or attacks? If so what is the protection we have to take? I have not yet come across any promotion for TV virus protection software.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • I discussed this problem with some technology specialists on this subject. But the views are different. But many people felt that there is no necessity of having separate protection for smart and android TVs. Even the people who say that there is a chance for a virus attack say the chances are very low.
    It is very difficult to create a virus that can attack our TV. The codes that are used to write the operating systems on a tv are read-only. The operating systems can't write code into the smart TV's chip system. The operating system can read and make your TV work. More than that it can't do anything.
    But to be on the safe side you can take some of the following steps to avoid any such problems.
    1. Never connect an infected USB to your TV. Before using it just scan the same on a laptop and when you are confident that the USB is not having any virus then only you should connect.
    2. Some of the TVs will have the scan option. If your TV is having that option scan as frequently as possible.
    3. An anti-virus and firewall protection can be provided to your wifi router in your house.

    always confident

  • Smart TV's are in essence a small computer assembly and hence they are increasingly more exposed to attacks from the internet connected with some devices. We know that Smart TV's operate in the same way as a computer and so it might get affected with the virus.
    It has been observed that there are small number of known malware causing an attack on our TV and as such there is the possibility of infection though such phenomena might be limited to some brands but there are possibilities of such occurrences.
    To support this statement, let us examine the functionality of the smart TV's. They run on automatic content recognition enabling to identify every shows viewed by us and if the connecting device is not protected from malware, our TV might be infected to malware or virus attacks.

  • Smart TVs or Android TVs are also vulnerable to attack of malware or virus. There are hackers in the internet who can enter the TV environment also. Though there are some inbuilt security arrangements in smart TV environment but possibility of virus infection cannot be ruled out.
    In modern smart TVs there is a 'System Manager' under the settings where there is a menu item as 'Smart Security'. Under that there is a scan system which helps in identifying the vulnerabilities if present in the system.
    As such there is no antivirus application designed for Android TVs, one has to upload any antivirus application in apk format to one's smart TV. It can be uploaded to the TV through a pen drive. It can then be installed and can be run for scanning.

    Knowledge is power.

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