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  • Category: AdSense Profile Reviews

    I want help about my adsense application

    Recently I have applied for Google for Adsense revenue share account. After sending it I have got an email from Goole. The Email is like this:

    Your application has been successfully reviewed. Now you need to create your first ad unit and place the ad code on indiastudychannel.

    I want to know in this situation What are the acts that I have tp do.

    As it the the first time for me and I have no knowledge about it.

    Please guide me so that my account may be acted successfully.
  • #517501

    Follow these steps.
    1, Open this URL

    2, Click on "Generate Ads & Check status" and "Check Ad serving". That's it, rest of the processes is automatic.

    After completing above two steps wait a day or two, Google send you another mail stating that your adsense account is fully approved.

    Forum and Updates Editor.

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