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  • Category: Study Abroad

    What difference it makes in studying in US universities?

    Son: Daddy, I want to go to US for higher studies.
    Daddy: Are you sure? Will you be able to cope up with the stiff competition and secure admission?
    Son: I will try my best. Admission is not the main issue. One can get admission simply by working hard in studies.
    Daddy: Then what is the issue? If you are ready to do hard word and get admission, then I will be the last person to become a stumbling block in your endeavors.
    Son: Daddy, main issue is the cost. It is very expensive to bear the full cost. I am trying my best to get some financial aid, but that may or may not materialize since outset. Though as far as I have researched, it is possible to get an aid of one kind or the other by the time one completes first semester.
    Daddy: So how can I help you? What you expect me to do?
    Son: I am a bit hesitant to say, but is it possible for you to defer your plan to buy our new house by few years, till I complete my MS in US which will take not more than two years.
    Daddy: Let me think about it. I am happy that you have become mature enough to think about the family issues also. I will let you know in a day or two after discussing the matter with your mummy. In the meantime, you let me know your whole plan, as to how you intend to proceed ahead.
    After two Days -
    Son: Daddy have you decided anything? I have already prepared for answering your all queries.
    Daddy: To begin with, why you have chosen USA only, perhaps the farthest place distance wise from India.
    Son: Daddy, I want to pursue higher studies in the field of computer sciences, which originates at US universities only though cutting edge R&D activities. They are doing original research there and knowledge in this field is getting created there, unlike in universities in other countries which repeat and replicate the inventions and discoveries made in US universities at a later date. I want to learn from the creators of the knowledge in the field. All companies like Microsoft, IBM, Google, Facebook, Apple etc. are based in US only and therefore there is very good chance of getting proper employment also after completing the course.
    Daddy: Fair enough, it seems that you have done your homework properly. You well deserve all possible help and support from us. I have talked with your mummy and she is also willing to not to deprive you of your possible brighter future by studying in a reputed US university. We have decided to defer buying our new house for few years and divert our savings toward financing your higher studies in US.
    Son: Thank you Daddy. Now, my main worry is over and I will be able to concentrate fully on my preparation for GRE as well as in my regular studies of B.Tech.
    ( Five years later, the son bought the dream house of their parents and they shifted to their new house)

    Where would you want to go for higher studies? - Creative writing contest
  • #563675
    The author has pen down the real happening in every home through creative story. Surely those who goes for studying in US for high studies are having the access to well defined and highly paid job which can suffice their various needs, though the initial payment to study may be high. One of my friend daughter who was employed here in a MNC, left the job and pursued her higher studies in US and now she is about to complete the same. But her father has spent 72 lakhs so far and the spending is increasing every year. One can understand what the parents would do with meager income and high thinking of the children to study in foreign countries. What she will earn from now onwards would be the thing to be watched. By the way she is also getting ready for the marriage . That means her contribution to the parents would be lesser or nil in future. Then what she is paying back for all those fees the parents paid these years ?
    K Mohan
    'Idhuvum Kadandhu Pogum "
    Even this challenging situation would ease

  • #564179
    A really good conversation between a father and a son which succinctly brings out the reasons for which students want to pursue higher studies (in this case computer science) in the USA. The conversation also points out the main area of concern, i.e., the high level of cost in the USA. As the author has discussed the expenditure involved in higher studies in the US, small bit of information regarding study loan would be excellent.
    I liked the useful conversation!

    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #564186
    #564179 - Most of the meritorious students are able to get some financial support of one kind or the other within first year of the study itself. As far as educational loans are concerned, the banks are generally likely to hesitate in offering educational loan of the full amount. Generally there are more chances of getting financial support in case of students pursuing research based integrated MS-Ph.D. program. I have posted few articles related to higher studies in US in the ongoing study abroad contest, though the financial support aspect has not yet been covered.
    Let us encourage each other in sharing knowledge.

  • #564218
    When comparing college education in US vs college education in India, one thing that stands out starkly is the absence of emphasis on memorization in US universities.
    In the course of my work I have gone through syllabus, videos of classes, assignments and exam papers of BS and MS courses of a number of US universities. They have a very different style and approach towards teaching and have very different criteria for assessing students capabilities. Here in most Indian universities, most examinations are knowledge based and a student only has to regurgitate what they have memorized from the book in the answer sheet during exam. We stuff students with knowledge without teaching them the importance or significance as well as application of that knowledge. Its like giving a kid a pen but not telling them what all a pen is supposed to be used for.
    On the contrary, while US based courses may not be as knowledge dense as ours are, but their focus is on the usability of the knowledge that is being given. The exam papers and assignments are mostly application based. They actually require the student to think and apply the principles they have learnt in class to different scenarios and solve problems. While the concept of open book exams is still a rarity here in India, it is quite common there. And that reflects real life. In real life if we have to solve a problem, we will be able to access information quite easily thanks to internet. But having the mental capacity to apply that information to solve our problem is what matters.
    Another thing I like about US universities are the choices of subjects they provide their students. A student can be pursuing a course in finance, biology and poetry at the same time. They don't have to get stuck in a single field/subject for the duration of their college days.


  • #564221
    Barring exceptional cases of the premier institutions like IITs, IIMs, AIIMS, IISc, TIFR or such other few more, the dismal scenario in education sector is due to the poor quality of teachers also. After all select few of only those students who regurgitate during examinations become teachers later.
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