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  • Category: Guidelines & Policies

    AdSense application best practices

    Google may not approve your AdSense application for many reasons. Some of the most common reasons are you have not provided sufficient information in your application or you have violated AdSense policies in the past. (Even if your application is approved once, Google may dis approve your AdSense account later, if you violate any of the AdSense policies.)

    Tips to avoid disapproval of your AdSense application

    The following steps assume that you have used your profile page as your website address in your Google AdSense applciation.

    Do not try to cheat or trick Google. It is very important to follow the rules and stick to the AdSense policies.

    1. The name you provided in your Google AdSense application must exactly match with the name displayed in your profile page. Edit your profile and use your correct full name.

    2. Edit your profile and provide additional information including gender, age group, hobby, employer name, country, state etc. Additional information adds reliability to your profile.

    3. Provide a detailed description (atleast 250 words) in your profile so that your profile page will not look empty. Include details like your brief biography, your native place, educational background, college details, hobbies, future plans, what are your future plans & goals in life etc etc. If our English is not reasonably good, take help from someone to your profile profile description.

    4. Google allows only 1 AdSense account per person. In case of applications from India, Google generally reject duplicate applications from the same address even though this 'same address rule' is not officially published by Google. So, if another person in the same or similar address have applied for AdSense earlier, it is a good idea to use a different, family relative's address in your Google AdSense application.(Please don't ask 'how do I know if another person from a similar address have already applied ?'. Use your common sense and figure out. For example, if you are using a hostel address, there is a possibility that another person living in the same hostel would have used the same hostel address). Google does not usually care about duplicate applications from same IP Address.

    5. Include your original photo in your profile page. You may delete the photo after you get your AdSense approved. (Never use photos of movie stars etc. If you are too concerned about your privacy, it is better NOT to have a photo than having an non-original photo.) Adding photo is not a requirement from Google, but it will create a good impression when reviewers look at your profile.

    6. It is a good idea to add your college name under the "Colleges" section in your profile. To do this, go to the colleges section, search for your college and join as a 'student' there.

    7. Don't apply for AdSense account as soon as you join this site. Wait at least few months until you have got enough quality content posted by you. Google has a requirement that the site must be at least 6 months old before anyone can apply for AdSense account. In case of applications from ISC, Google has not asked us to enforce this rule. However, we suggest you to wait for 6 months to make sure you are meeting all requirements to get AdSense application approval.

    8. ISC allows you to apply for AdSense account as soon as you reach GOLD level. However, this does not mean that you should immediately apply for AdSense as soon as you reach that level. Wait until you post lot of good quality content, have received some prizes from ISC and have established a good credibility in ISC. That will increase your chances of getting your AdSense application approved.

    9. If your application is rejected once for no valid reason, then wait few months before you re apply.

    10. Edit your profile and include links to your best 5 resources in the profile description. Use the titles of the resources as anchor text in the links. Give a heading something like My recent articles. The idea is to convince Google that you are a great author. So, pick the best ones which are optimized for search engines. When Google review team look at your profile, they should see your best posts first without having to spend much time. Also, by providing quick links to best posts, you may avoid them reaching your not-so-good posts. With a quick look at your profile, they should get the impression that you are smart guy.

    11. Remove all custom scripts, counters, poor quality links, smileys, funny pictures, jokes etc from your profile.

    12. Google requires that you must be atleast 18 year old before you can apply for AdSense. See details here:

    So, when you apply for AdSense, if your profile indicates that you are a school student or entry level college student, the AdSense application reviewers may misunderstand that you are below 18 year old. So, make sure you do not provide misleading information in the profile.

    Google suggests to have a parent apply for AdSense, if you are below 18 year old. In such cases, the profile should show the applying parent's information.

    How to deal with dis approved AdSense applications ?

    ISC has no role in approving or rejecting an AdSense application. That is completely at the discretion of Google. There is no use in contacting ISC asking the reason for rejection of an AdSense application.

    In case of a dis approval of your AdSense application, you will receive an email from Google explaining why your AdSense application was dis approved. And most probably, the email from Google will include the steps that you have to do to re submit your application.

    You have to follow the instructions in that email. After you complete the steps mentioned in the email, you have to login to and re submit your original application for review. Most probably, Google will approve if you have followed the steps correctly.

    Before you resubmit, make sure you have followed the steps mentioned in the top of this page.

    If you are still dis approved, you will again receive an email asking you to follow further steps. You must continue the above process a reasonable number of times until the issue is resolved.

    Sometimes Google dis approves AdSense account registrations in error or due to mis understanding or for lack of information in your application. In such cases, you may write a mail to Google AdSense team explaining the situation.

    Please try to make your email reply to Google as polite as possible and provide as much information as possible. Here is a sample reply to Google for a dis approved account:


    I recently joined the Google AdSense API revenue sharing program offered by I created a Google AdSense account through and I used my profile page in IndiaStudyChannel as my website while joining this program.

    Unfortunately, my AdSense account application was dis approved by Google. I have taken appropriate steps mentioned in your email regarding the dis approval and have re submitted my application for your review.

    Kindly look into my re submitted AdSense application and approve if you think I am eligible to participate.

    I am excited on joining this AdSense revenue sharing program.

    [Your Name]

    Remember to login to and re submit your AdSense application for review.

    Repeatedly rejected AdSense applications

    Sometimes, Google seem to be rejecting AdSense applications with non relevant reasons like:

    - Unacceptable site content
    - Your site must have been active for atleast 6 months before you apply for AdSense
    - You must provide accurate personal information with the application that match the information in your page


    In some cases, this reason does not make any sense at all. We have contacted Google several times regarding this, but we haven't received any good response yet. Until we hear something from Google regarding the rejections, we can only suggest to repeatedly try for AdSense account every few months.

    How ISC can help you get your AdSense application approved ?

    There is nothing much ISC can do to help on this. This is purely between you and Google. Many members find it very difficult to get approval. If your application is rejected, it is better to continue contributing and try again after 2-3 months.

    If your application is rejected multiple times even after you post great resources in ISC, you may remove your rejected AdSense
    account from your ISC account. Then you can try again to create a fresh AdSense account through ISC with a different email id.

    Contact Google

    In general, the application process is automated and you will be given instructions when you login to your AdSense account. In case you need to contact Google AdSense team, here is the link for any questions related to Google AdSense account:
  • #5025
    This is a very informative article. I have already applied for adsense and thankfully it was approved. Though I am interested to know if you have any idea assuming an account is banned. I have heard that once Google banned an account, it cannot be re opened.

  • #5179
    Is that true?

    My account is also not approved. But I have got 1163 points. So,what should I do?

  • #5476
    How do you have so many points Mr.Kumar? I am struggling to get two.

  • #6183
    I have joined just 3 days back, I got 1 point, I don't know whether my adsense account is approved or not, and I am confused how much money I will get for each point.

  • #6184
    I have joined just 3 days back, I got 1 point, I don't know whether my adsense account is approved or not, and I am confused how much money I will get for each point.

  • #6458
    Hello Tony,

    My google adsense account is disapproved. I got the email you are already found the data are similar to my gmail id.

    In ISC I gave my yahoo id so my account is disapproved so I want to change my adsense revenue sharing program account to

    please help me change my account.

    Best regards

  • #6493
    Hello Mr.Tony,

    Even I'm suffering with the same problem as Mr.Logeshwaran. My yahoo id is "" which is not approved by google and it is the id with which I am running my ISC account. But now I want to change it to "" which has been accepted by google. Please tell me a way to get going.

    I have posted this question several times but nobody gave me a correct response. But atleast for this time please give me a good (understandable and detailed)response.

    Thanking you in advance
    With regards,

  • #9058
    Hi Tony

    My google adsense account is disapproved. But I didn't get any email grom google.

    Please help me .


  • #9093
    You can reapply for google adsense there is a link for you in the same mail where you click and reapply you can easily change your yahoo id to google id in ISC so you change here and provide full information regarding your address phone number ok, then you will surely approved you can edit your mail id in your account settings page edit profile tab where you can change your mail id

    Soon you all approved by google.


  • #9119
    thnks a lot srimathi..

  • #9499

    How can I reapply for google adsense? Please tell me. Deleted my mail. So from where I can continue the procedure. Please help me.

  • #9625
    Hi Vidya, you just simply clickon the adsense revenue which appears on your profile column just on top left as you login and check out whether status is active or not.if it is inactive the login in to your adsense account by going in to " " and then carry on through the wizard.

  • #9720
    Thank you Mr. Tony for giving detailed information.

  • #9738
    Hi deepu,

    My account not active. Got the information "check mail" but I didn't get any mail from google. What can I do? From my profile page I knew its disapproved? Please tell me what the next step?

  • #9755
    Hi Vidya,

    Check mail in the sense you have to verify the mail which you have received as soon as you applied for the adsense for the first time. In that there may be any link for resubmission. Try this out.

    with regards,

  • #9758
    Hi Vidya,You can also try in this way type " " in the address bar and click " Join " in that,and later fallow the instructions.I think this may help you.All the best.

  • #9768
    Me too have same problem as Mr. Logeshwaran told that they are disapproving yahoo id. They took a very long time 12 days to approve my yahoo account. But it was not the case, my friend used gmail and got approval in 3 days and started earning. I don't know what is behind screens. After approving the application, within two days they disapproved. Though I had met all those guide lines. When I contacted google through resubmit form, they didn't reply. I am waiting for more than a month.

  • #9911
    Hi Deepu,

    When I was trying to ressubmission thru this link, I got the message like "
    You already have an Adsense account associated with your user id. You can create only one AdSense account through us. If your AdSense login email Id is changed, you may associate the new AdSense login email with us. " Can I change my id for new account? or we can use the same id that's for ISC only for adsence? Tell me please.

  • #9914
    I have an adsence account with my blog. Can I use that account for ISC? Pls tell me. If it possible how can I change that?

  • #10199
    Can you tell me how adsense revenue is calculated? What is meaning of impressions and click through rate?

  • #10200
    Can you tell me how adsense revenue is calculated? What is meaning of impressions and click through rate?

  • #10318
    How Google Adsense earnings are calculated

    CPM - Cost per Impressions. You can log into your adsense account you can find CPM given in some say 1$. CPM means Cost per 1000 impressions

    so if you get 400 impressions a day and when CPM is 1$. Then you will earn 0.4$

    CPC - Cost Per Clicks. You will be paid for every click you get at that moment. The revenue varies depending upon ads appear on the page at that moment. Google brings ads depending on page content and order it in descending range of $. i.e If there are two ads in a script, first will pay better than second.

    And there is also a billion dollar secret. You will get more CPM and CPC if you'r content are like good paying terms like FOREX. So if you write any article regarding FOREX you will earn good money.

    Hope this will help.
    Happy earning.

  • #11507
    I heard that for google adsense account google charge some amount from you. Is this true? After that your earning starts.

  • #11508
    I heard that for google adsense account google charge some amount from you? Is this true? after that your earning starts.....

  • #18258
    Hi Pavi,
    What you heard is wrong, they will not charge for account. I have opened an account and I am operating the same. They did not even ask anything. So, it is genuine and free. You can opend adsense account with google

  • #18303
    Hi Tony and All,
    Today my adsense account is disabled .I submitted one appeal form. Is there chance of my account getting approved again. Because i had $ 40 in that account .
    If google is not approving again, then all my resource in ISC is waste. How to restore this again .
    Now i am greatly confused , webmasters please reply what is the next step i have to take

    India News

  • #24899
    My account disapproved, don't why? Hope this thing helps.

  • #24901
    I had submitted my application. Please somebody who have faced such problem, tell me what is next & how much time will it take. This is a cool initiative by google but it should not be disapproved like this. Even I didn't get any mail from them regarding disapproval.

  • #24959
    I had submitted my application and when I enter it it shows a pending word.i dont know what to do then. If somebody who can help me out of it please. This program is very nice started by google, but when I don't know whether my form is incomplete or is rejected I should be informed so that I can look into it to take some measures.

    please help me in this.

  • #25960
    Hi Tony,
    My Adsense account has been disabled yesterday. I don't know why they disabled. Because they didn't mention any reason for this. I have 31$ in my account. Even I appealed for that but till now no reply came. Now what to do ?
    Suppose if my account won't re-approve again. Is there any possibilty is there that I can create new account and attach it with ISC with current account after removing the disapproved account.
    Please reply for my query if anybody have any information regarding this.

    Thanks & Regards
    Ankit Narang

    Keep Rocking

  • #25961
    Mr Tony ,really a nice information. It will be very fruitful to the new members..

  • #25973
    My new account was disapproved by google and they mention the reason -

    Unacceptable site content:

    In order to participate in Google AdSense, publishers' websites and
    application information must satisfy the following guidelines:

    *Your site must have been active for at least 6 months before you apply
    for AdSense.
    *You must provide accurate personal information with your application that
    matches the information on your page.
    *Your website must contain substantial, original content.

    I have resubmited my application.

  • #28125
    Tony sir,

    My account is not approved please check it sir I want to participate in the google adsense revenue program, in order to join that my account has to be approved so I request you to check my account and kindly approve it as early as possible.

    If there is any error in my account please give me the details regarding that so that I can check them and one more thing to say as you told above I didn't receive any message telling that my account was disapproved so please help me approving my account. Please reply for my query if anybody have any information regarding this.

    Thanks & Regards

  • #28139
    Hello Tony,

    This is good to here Such question I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT my account is not approved please check it sir I want to participate in the google adsense revenue program, in order to join that my account has to be approved so I request you to check my account and kindly approve it as early as possible.

    If there is any error in my account please give me the details regarding that so that I can check them and one more thing to say as you told above I didn't receive any message telling that my account was disapproved so please help me approving my account. Please reply for my query if anybody have any information regarding this.

    Thanks & Regards
    all the very very best
    have a nice time
    hop u

  • #28910
    [Response removed by Admin. Read forum policies.]

  • #28912
    Hi Preet,
    Please do not spam the IndiaStudyChannel forums with your small problem. First go to a higher level and then do it. If you can't wait patiently we can't do anything from our side and do not ever mention Tony's name. He is in no way associated with Google so stop using his name just at your will. If you are doing this to earn points, then you are doing it the wrong way Preet. Read the thread below to know more-

    We have provided you with soutions, what else do you want?! Just post resources and at least reach the Gold level rather than waiting and complaining about Google AdSense. Otherwise, even if your account does get approved, you won't get any revenue and that surely does not make sense.

    Ankush Das
    (Editor, IndiaStudyChannel)

    Ankush Das

  • #29622
    Ankush Das sir,

    My account adsense account is not approved. My application is already resubmitted. I want to know about details to approve my account.

  • #29624
    Hi Ramesh Ponnnana,
    If you have made enough contributions, then don't worry, Google will review your application as soon as possible. Please wait for some more days. Till then contribute more and more resources, so that chances of disapproval of your application will reduce. Please follow this advice and wait for a few more days.

    Ankush Das
    (Editor, IndiaStudyChannel)

    Ankush Das

  • #39795
    Mr Tony,

    Thank you very much for the valuable information you have posted. My Adsense application has been rejected two times and so I was confused. The point that there should be same name in both the applications was not known by me till I read this message. You have told to apply for the Adsense account after two to three weeks of joining ISC. This is an important point and should be included in the FAQ section. I applied for approval for the third time. I wouldn't have done that if I read this message some time before. On the whole this is a very useful article.


  • #39866
    Hi Tony,

    Thanks for the information. My application also rejected for 2nd time by google. So, i think i will resubmit the application after posting a good quality of resources and contribution to ISC. One more thing that is it possible to can i give the link of my ISC profile page as my page? Please let me know. I will be submitted the application for adsence as early as possible.

    Thanks once again for the information

    With Regards



  • #39924
    Hi Tony,

    As told by you i have again applied for Adsense after gaining Gold level, at ISC , in my family member name, but google again rejected saying, you resemble to person whose account has been disabled for invalid click.

    Is there any other way to do something. Can you provide some space for members whose account has been disabled, so that they can use any other adsense alternative to gain some money.

    Kindly think.


    Member ISC

  • #39947
    Hi Tony,

    My adsense account is disapproved for many times I am a gold member to be eligible to get the adsense revenue sharing programme. Also I contributed many good quality resources but google disapproved my adsense.

  • #40055
    I have some problem it is showing some internal network problem it seems that it is due to my system administration policy in the office.

    Some offices does not allow some sites, I am also from an office like that it may be due to that reason.

  • #40089
    Hello friends

    Even my blogs got dis approved for 2 times. But once again i register with that blogs and it got approved. I don't know on what basis the account is get approved. How can one site got approved which is dis approved previously. If any know the reason can you tell me. SO that i can advice my friends regarding this.


  • #40259
    Finally my Adsense account got disable. Even after re-applying for re-activation of account. They said we found invalid click activity in your account. I didn't do anything with my resources.
    I am very dissapointed.


    Keep Rocking

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    If required, refer to the URL of this page in your new post.