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  • Category: AdSense Profile Reviews

    Google adsense status need to be reviewed

    Hi google adsense status shows approved by google. But it is still pending from ISC end.

    I already have google adsense account to my blog.
    The publication id mentioned in google adsense site and ISC adsense page of mine are same.

    But I don't find the my ISC profile url in google adsense web page.

    Will it appear only after ISC approval?
    Do I need to give this URL in my adsense page? If so, what link should I add and in which place?
  • #634708

    1. At your ISC AdSense page, it states "Pending (This will not affect your Ad serving.)" This means that the 'pending' status does not matter. You will still earn from the ad units being served at all the ISC pages where you are contributing. For further clarification refer to point no. 5 in this announcement thread.

    2. In your Google AdSense account, please check first if is listed under 'Third party access' which comes under 'Access and authorization' in Settings.

    3. In your Google AdSense account, you can create channels if you so wish of ISC pages to check if those pages are getting you any AdSense earnings. This is done after you log in there via My Ads--URL Channels--Add URL Channel. So you can add:
    and so can even put in the URL of an individual forum thread or of an article. Your profile page URL can also be put as we get earnings from that page as well.

    Let us know if any further clarifications are required.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #634752
    Thank you mam.
    As you have mentioned, I could see ISC under third party access

    One more query.


    I should add the url of different sections, but of my threads only right?
    Can I add the url of my articles? else, they are automatically synced?
    I have submitted details of school and jobs, can I include those urls too?

    I'm allowed to edit ad type for my blog, can I do the same for the ISC urls that I add too?

    Sri Vetri
    Spread Positivism

  • #634781

    Once you have linked your ISC account, you do not need to 'sync' your posts as such. You need not add any URLs at all. It was just a suggestion if you wish to know which section is getting you any earnings.

    Regarding your query "I should add the url of different sections, but of my threads only right?"
    - If at all you do add the URLs, you can either add the section's URL and/or individual page URLs (e.g. a forum thread which you posted or one in which you responded; an Ask Expert query you asked or one which you answered; an article you submitted, etc.) So, yes, you can add URLs of a school or job post as well. It is all up to you! You can add up to 500 maximum URLs as "channels" in your AdSense account.

    Regarding your query "I'm allowed to edit and type for my blog, can I do the same for the ISC urls that I add too?"
    - I am not sure what you are asking here. While a blog URL can be edited by you at any time, you cannot change the URL of an ISC post submitted by you. An exception is when you write an article, then change the title - you can then inform the editor who will do the needful to ensure that the URL which appears in the browser then matches your article's new title. So also with a school post or job post - if you have made some spelling error in the title, say, you can inform the editor.

    If you are asking about removing URLs from your list of channels in your AdSense account, then, yes, this you can do by simply ticking the box next to the URL and selecting 'remove' from the drop-down list at the top.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #634784

    Re-read your query - you asked about editing ad type; I read it as 'edit and type'! Sorry for misreading.

    Regarding editing ad type - no, you cannot edit the type of ad units at your pages in ISC. All AdSense ad units are put in place by the Webmasters only and nobody, not even editors, are authorized to change them. An exception is in the article section, where you can yourself place two (not more ad units). Please refer: Placement of AdSense Ads in your resources.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #634844
    Thank you for your explanations mam. Sorry for adding few more queries. Since I'm a beginner, I need further clarifications too,

    How does adding url works?
    I mean, it helps only in giving the report of adsense revue generated in particular url or additional ads are placed to that url page?

    Thank you again for the useful link, "placement of Adsense in your resources".

    Sri Vetri
    Spread Positivism

  • #634861

    No need to feel apologetic to post queries! Unless you ask, how will you know? Please feel free to ask as many questions as you want to clear whatever doubts you have. We will keep this thread open for you. I or some other member who has knowledge of AdSense will guide you.

    Yes, adding URLs is merely an indicator for you to know which page or which section has got you earnings. As I said, you do not necessarily need to create individual channels at all. You can simply put the home page of ISC and see how much earnings ISC generates for you as compared to your blog.

    Also, if you are interested in having detailed data for your blog or for ISC, you could open a StatCounter account. Please read this extremely useful article which Tony Sir had posted in 2010: How to use StatCounter to track AdSense clicks. The data provided by it is really expansive, though I myself check it out rarely! For the registration link & other info about StatCounter refer: StatCounter - Traffic reports, page view counter and AdSense click monitoring tool (this is accessible from your Dashboard page as well.)

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #634862

    Answering the second part of your query separately so as not to confuse you too much in one response -

    For knowing revenue generated from specific ad units, go to your AdSense account and click on 'My Ads--Ad units'. On that page is a list of ad units. Click on 'View report' below the ad unit and you can see your earnings from that specific ad unit. You should explore your AdSense account, check the various tools & features and if you do not understand something, just ask here.

    Google itself provides excellent guidance through its AdSense Help Support pages

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #635103
    Thank you for the links and guidance Mam. I have gone through the links. They are helpful and gives me better understanding. Your response gives the hope that I can log on to ISC for further clarifications too.

    Once again I was proved right for my thread ISC is a better search engine

    Sri Vetri
    Spread Positivism

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