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  • Category: General

    When teachers go beyond the syllabus

    Our system of education is such that whatever we study should follow a standard syllabus, whether it is at the school level or for higher studies. Some teachers, though, have an open mind. Of their own initiative, they are willing to come out of that rigidity and teach some aspects of a subject that are not necessarily part of the set-down syllabi. They also encourage students to think beyond just what is in the standardized textbooks and ask questions so as to expand their knowledge of the subject. Such teachers make learning a truly wholesome experience.

    We should show more appreciation for such teachers and not disburse 'best teacher' awards only to those imparting education as per the curriculum.
  • #742622
    What I feel is that teaching the syllabus and getting away does not augur a good teacher and there needs to be inclusive involvement of the subject to which a good teacher needs to be prepared to teach even the branch topics which are bound to arise. A learned teacher has a whole lot of teaching experience over the period of time and she can connect the current topics to which she came across some new, information and teach the correlated matters to the students. But care must be taken by the teachers that they should come back again to the subject matter, as sometimes teaching beyond syllabus actually transport us to other information to which a teacher can forget her own main topic of matter and thus students also be vigil and keep reminding the teacher.
    K Mohan
    'Idhuvum Kadandhu Pogum "
    Even this challenging situation would ease

  • #742632
    Sometimes it helps the students to grasp the subject more clearly if some additional inputs are provided to students to make them proficient in the areas being taught. We have seen some of teachers of Mathematics to go beyond the syllabus. One of my teachers while teaching in quadratic equation in class ten applied a formula not covered within the syllabus but in that way, we got the clarity of the subject. He used to apply such tricks time to time to make the subject more clear. Such way of teaching largely depends upon the intelligence of the teachers to make the subject palatable. Once the points discussed in a particular chapter is clear, they revert back to the syllabus.

  • #742633
    All teachers will have to finish the syllabus within the given time frame. So they will concentrate on finishing the syllabus. But some teachers try to go beyond the syllabus and try to educate the students with advanced subject knowledge. At the same time, some students show an inclination to learn more and advance their knowledge.
    Actually, the techno school concept has been raised from such a thought process only. In these schools, students will be taught advanced portions of the subject and see that they will have better knowledge than a normal student. The admissions are also carried out after testing the calibre of the student also.
    Some teachers bring in new methods of teaching and they will see that each and every student will understand the lesson he is teaching. They give numerous examples and these examples will get into the minds of the students and they will never forget the subject taught by that teacher. It is very good and motivating to have such teachers in the school and definitely, students will get benefitted from such teachers.

    always confident

  • #742678
    Children can think logically when there is an open-minded teacher with a thirst for knowledge because they are not just being told what to learn but how to think and reason. The mark of an intelligent and progressive society is its education system, which ensures that everyone — children and adults alike — acquire the necessary skills to cope with new challenges and opportunities.

    I also think we should more or less encourage such teachers to take up the challenge of differentiating their students and coming up with ways to make their subjects interesting and edifying for the students. Some colleges are already doing this to a great extent and we should try and encourage more colleges to do the same. The experience with students in such institutions should also be a learning experience for teachers.

    Fear is The Path to Dark Side.

  • #742681
    The learning experience enhances in that case but the concern of most of the students and parents is on scoring more marks. The teachers who help to score more marks are considered as good teachers and are appreciated for their special efforts. Following a syllabus may be considered a structural way of learning but learnings cannot be limited to it. Students who wish to know more appreciate the teachers who teach them things beyond the syllabus but for the rest, it may be just writing down the topics discussed. Teachers who consider teaching a passion than a profession do not care much about the syllabus and impart the knowledge for the betterment of students. Those who consider it only as a profession think of completing the syllabus only and ways to score more marks rather than the aspect of imparting valuable knowledge.

    "Life is easier when you enjoy what you do"

  • #742689
    There are very few teachers like that and they should be given due credit for their initiatives in making education a wholesome affair. I remember when I was in my high school our science teacher was like that. He was not very highly qualified but knew many practical things that helped us to learn the fundamental concept of science easily. At that time there was a school science function in which we had to prepare a static model or working model and exhibit it there. I was also involved in an electrical working model in which we used dry cell batteries. But the batteries drained fast and we were searching for some alternative. We went to him for help and he explained as to how to decrease the current in the circuit and use only what we require and not waste the battery. He not only helped us in that but also suggested using the high current dry pack of 9-volt battery which was so common during those days as people ran their transistor radios on that. His way of teaching and explaining the technical things was such that those concepts are still sitting in my mind and helped me a lot for quite some time when I was posted in the technical department of my organisation.
    Knowledge is power.

  • #742701
    It is very rightly said by the author, the teacher is the person who not only does the facts given in the books but also does his own knowledge and this is also the duty of the teacher but at present, we find some such teachers who Their duty is limited to making notes to the children only by providing answers to the questions and for this, they are giving their salary to these teachers only for getting the syllabus done. There is another teacher class that wants to spread education from their heart to the people and makes every effort to make the future of the children bright, they are really respectable.

  • #742718

    This is well said than done. The majority of students' main aim is to score marks in the examinations. Once the teacher goes beyond the syllabus, the tendency is to remind the teacher that it is beyond the syllabus. This is my experience in a technical institute. Some of the students carry the syllabus book and old question papers also to the class. They just want instructions on the topics which fetch marks in the examination. They cannot be blamed as our system is tuned for job-oriented instruction. This is the unfortunate truth in technical institions.

    " Be Good and Do Good "

  • #742720
    I do agree with the author. Our education system have become quite restricted and repitative. Even though it is done to limit pressure on students, it still limits a student's ability to learn and asses so much more. There are some teachers who understand this need of going above and beyond so students find something they are looking out for. Something beyond the syllabus because the syllabus is usually very monotonous. When in any theory based subject teachers go beyond and express the past of theories or how they come to existence, they establish a intriguing relationship with their students. They go beyond to not only help students understand things better but also to create more intrest in them for the coming subjects. Therefore, I do think that teachers should also give something extra to their students be in whichever form.
    Believe in the existence of God the superpower.

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