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  • Category: Creative Writing

    Who became the bigger fool in the story

    Gurudev somehow reached his place saving his life from the farmer's house. Reaching there he called his disciple to pack the bag and leave the place as soon as possible, he knew that the farmer was foolish not the other villagers. He told his disciple as soon as the villagers will found out that Gurudev does not have any powers, he is just as normal as any mortal he too feels cold, he too suffers from fever and his miracles are just magic tricks villagers will beat them up and especially the zamindar and his men to whom the Gurudev and his disciple promised big riches on the performance of certain rituals.
    His disciple was in shock at why his Guru was looking so awful and in such a hurry but he followed the guru's instruction and ran away with him. When Farmer and his family returned home they found out that Guru was nowhere to be found. The farmer and his family panicked that did they commit something wrong in Guru's service? Did they do something wrong? Why Guru does did not bestow his blessings on him and his family?
    Crying the farmer reached the zamindar's house and told the whole story to the zamindar, hearing all the story zamindar first laughed at the foolishness of the farmer but then thought Guru is so famous not just for his spiritual preaching but also for his miracles, superhuman skills. Why then did he leave the farmer's house he could have made the farmer understand his mistakes. So Zamindar with the farmer went to the temporary Ashram of Guru but there was nothing, no human, no belongings. Now it was zamindar's time to panic he told his son to run and call the police his son could not understand why does his father asking the police for a holy man leaving, So many saints come and stay in the ashram but his father never reacts like that. Zamindar yelled again go and run you fool call the police. This time zamindar's son ran to the police and upon arrival of the police Zamindar told the police that the Gurudev asked him to give all his gold for purification and rituals so that soon zamindar could earn more money from that gold, but now no such gold was seen in the temple of Ashram.
    Police were shocked at such foolishness of Zamindar and told him the person staying here was no Guru but a fraud magician who makes people into his trickery through his words and magic. Zamindar sat there and started to cry and the farmer was just shocked at the whole situation. Police were investigating the issue and all the people gathered around there because of the commotion People all around talking there is no trade bigger than religion, how can zamindar be such a fool? s it right to believe such a godman and Gurudeva? and all zamindar could think about was his gold.
    Everyone wondered who was the bigger fool in the whole situation?
  • #759833
    A good addition to the earlier story where the farmer's children did curious actions with the Guru and Guru disappeared from the scene. What the farmer's children did was definitely an act of foolishness but the people who believe in such Godman are also fools. We should not take a person on his apparent looks and actions. We must try to find out what is behind the veil and its true worth. The biggest problem in society today is that there are some people who are very gullible and simple and are carried away by others. They have to finally pay for their simplicity as the Godman exploits them in many ways. So the lesson learnt is that we have to be careful of these people who make the general public believe in them only to get cheated.
    Knowledge is power.

  • #759835
    The author has tried to go next level with sequel and was quite successful. In this content the author has not only warned about some people in the guise of Godman fool the people and cautions us to keep away from such acts as our children would be greatly affected. In Tamil Nadu and elsewhere in South, the so called Godman sways over the crowd on one pretext or the other and try to make them believe their acts. In this story the people seems to have become the fool and not otherwise, and those who believe in such Godly faiths are the fools. Not that there are super powers in these God man, but they use some tricks to fall prey and that is very pity on their followers. We have seen many such Godman in the news fleeing from the crowd after being confronted with their wrong doing. As long as people are alert there is no place for Godman.
    K Mohan
    'Idhuvum Kadandhu Pogum "
    Even this challenging situation would ease

  • #759840
    The author ends the story in a dramatic way. It was very good. However, it seemed a little inappropriate for Zamindar Babu to hand over the gold ornaments to Gurudev in this way. However, in most cases, business is going on with religion nowadays, so it is very appropriate in today's context. But at that time there was not so much business approach, then Gurudev and their disciples were also honest. However, the author has finished very well and there are some lessons to be learned from the story as well.
    Believe in the existence of God the superpower.

  • #759860
    There are innocent people who believe people who show off as if they have super powers and Gods. One should not be greedy and should be happy with what they have and try on their own to earn what maximum they can earn. But some people think that by believing these super-powered people their financial position will become better. But that is not correct.
    There are some people who believe in God and leave everything and live to promote the need for pious living. If we meet such people, they never say that they will make us rich but they will advise us to pray to God and believe in God. Only some fake Godmen only try these tricks and finally fool the public.
    Always such Godmen will fool the public only. We heard so many cases of such Godmen deceiving innocent people.

    always confident

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