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  • Category: Creative Writing

    The condition of a patient remains the same even after best medical attention

    She met with an accident and that was the great escape. She was riding the scooter and was about to reach her home. Suddenly the lorry which is laden with steel rods stopped without giving in signal and the iron bar pierced into her body. She was immediately taken to the nearby super speciality hospital and given the best treatment. Her vital organs were not functioning properly and the amount spent on her was 40 lakhs. Having gone out of money, she took forced discharge and remain in the bed since 12 years. Her condition is same, no improvement and all savings lost. Now the very survival is in peril. Sometimes people are snatched of everything under the nose.

    This is the entry for
    June '22 Topic-based TOW - Condition
  • #760070
    The author is again the first respondent to the month-end TOW contest and congratulations for the same. Sometimes very serious accidents may take place and there will be many fractures and other problems for the person who met with the accident. The same matter has been highlighted in this thread.
    always confident

  • #760073
    Is it a true story Mr. Mohan? If it is true, indeed it is the worst one that can happen to anyone. There is no fault for her but she has almost lost her life. This is not one or two cases that happened because of the lorry which carry iron rods, yet we still keep seeing such lorries running on the busy roads. Such iron rods should be carried in the fully covered lorry. There has to be some strict rule else this kind of accident will never stop where an innocent life will be lost. Yes, most of the accidents in our life happened because of others' fault. One day one of my friends was on a scooter happily coming back home after work and suddenly a roadside hoarding fall on him. Luckily, his life was saved but he broke his right leg. Even after surgery he is not 100% physically fit.

    However, good content by the author for the TOW contest.

  • #760085
    This is a sad story depicting the condition of the person in the aftermath of an accident. Medical science has progressed much but it cannot cure everything. In fact it is still developing and new drugs and new techniques are being invented day by day. The cost of these treatments is very high and a common person cannot afford to undergo these treatments. Surgery is generally carried out after an accident but that is also limited in its extent. In fatal cases nothing works. Not only the accident victims but there are some diseases where medical science has nothing to offer as a remedy and patient suffers till his death.
    Knowledge is power.

  • #760112
    The story posted by the author points the finger at two things prevailing in our society. The first thing is the state of medical facilities available to the citizens. They have to pay through their nose to avail of medical facilities. Why is the government not providing quality medical facilities to all its citizens free of cost?

    The second question concerns road safety and why authorities are not sincerely enforcing traffic laws. Somebody has rightly remarked sarcastically that in India, life is cheap because the population is so much.

    Let us encourage each other in sharing knowledge.

  • #760120
    This has happened to one of my distant relative and once upon a time a big business woman herself has now become the discarded patient on the bed.
    K Mohan
    'Idhuvum Kadandhu Pogum "
    Even this challenging situation would ease

  • #760122
    Feeling bad about the lady, but such a terrible thing may also happen. Most probably, the concept of Euthanasia developed from such painful incidents.
    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #760124
    As indicated by the author, it is a real happening. How sad the event is when she is facing this crisis for no fault of her. She was admitted in the super hospitality hospital with the hope of getting of best treatments but she did not accrue any relief despite the best efforts made from her family. In that process, she exhausted all her savings and still in the perilous condition for no fault of her own. By going through this tragic accident, we should assume that no one is safe on road though we might be taking utmost precautions in respect of safety compliance. We will have to pay penalties for the others not observing the safety compliance of the traffic. The situation could be averted with the proper coverage of iron rods so that this situation could be averted. It is nothing but the callous approach of the traffic personnel where the defaulters are allowed to go scot free despite their blunders.

  • #760288
    Though it is a write up using the Keyword, I pray, God forbid such traumatic situations and unfortunes happening.

    However humans need adaptability and resilience to various weather conditions and other day to day situations in life.

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