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  • Category: Creative Writing

    When the Dim-Witted Writer attempted writing in bright daylight using his right hand

    I had shifted my writing table to the right in the center of the open courtyard. I silently prayed to God and sat on the chair to write my flash story, ' Why are the customers always right?' As advised by my friend, I picked the pen using my right hand instead of my left hand, which I was accustomed to writing.

    Lo and behold, my pen started moving on the writing paper like a maniac. It started moving faster than my imagination and thoughts about the plot of the story resulting in many spelling mistakes. Many letters typed in the lower case got typed in the upper case and vice versa. The pen was churning out sentences one by one without any count. In contrast to my inability to write more than one and a half sentences earlier, now I was writing at the speed of many sentences in a minute.

    Suddenly, the alarm bell rang, shattering my dream mercilessly. I awakened to realize that I was watching a dream in the early morning.

    It is a sequel to -
    The Dim-Witted Writer
  • #760507
    Once again kudos to the author for attempting one more time the sequel and again bringing out those three words to be included in the heading and that has even captivated me. For those left handers, shifting to right hand may not be that easy and the transition would be full of moments of mistakes which anyone can realize. But the author tried to bring in his urge and need to write in right hand but that has not happened as the whole drama seems to be a dream and the character remain the left hander as usual. When ever I came across the left handers writing fast on a piece of paper, invariably found that they are not maintaining the line of writing and tend to shift from straight line to awkward writing. Then what about the dim witted writer who attempted the right hand writing and how does it looked when compared to left hand writing?
    K Mohan
    'Idhuvum Kadandhu Pogum "
    Even this challenging situation would ease

  • #760536
    Early morning dreams may come true. That is what people say always. So I hope by trying with a different hand in a different place the writing abilities of an individual may improve. There is nothing wrong with trying. It is natural when we write past our writing may look shabby and we may commit some spelling mistakes also. We can correct them in the 2nd and 3rd readings. The plot should cone alright and the story should flow properly.
    A good sequel to his first write up and the author did well in his this attempt also.

    always confident

  • #760618
    Brilliant! The dream-sequence is brilliantly presented. I like it!
    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

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