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  • Category: Creative Writing

    If anything happens without expectation

    Since morning farmer was waiting for his distant relatives but by chance, seeing his son and daughter-in-law he was filled with joy. He reached home at the right time when the poor farmer was in great need. His son took him hospital for treatment. But the farmer was thinking that he would stay for a very short period and after that who will take care of us. Because his ailment will take a minimum of one month to recover. He was restless from inside. After one week, the son told his father to return to duty. After hearing this, father eyes were filled with tears but he didn't say a single word. Even now, farmer was not in good condition so he could take care himself. Even now he needed help. His daughter-in-law was standing nearby and she was listening everything. She was American but not unknown from Indian culture. She told me that her husband to return to America and I will return after recovering from the father-in-law. She promised to give service in all possible ways. Hearing this, father and son became very happy and appreciated a lot for this decision. In and around the village everyone applauded such a daughter-in-law law. She became a role model for every villager.

    This is the sequel to my story
  • #760650
    Good sequel. The daughter-in-law is more courteous to her in-laws and she is ready to stay with them and see that they will recover early and then go back. A good ending to part 1 that was written by the author.
    These days many elders are suffering like that without having anyone to take care of them when there is a need. But in this story the son and the daughter-in-law came at the time of need and took care of them. Definitely, the farmer and his wife might have felt happy about the hospitality of their son and daughter-in-law.

    always confident

  • #760701
    Parents and children have some connection that let them know if any of the two remembers each other. It may look odd but it happens. Maybe that is why the son came at the right to his father when his father was expecting his relative. Expectation became joy when unexpected happens and this is what happened to this farmer. When he has no hope, suddenly his son appeared for his help.
    The story is well written as the sequel to the first part and it connects both the story well. After reading Dr. Rao's sequel to the first part of the story, I thought it is a perfect ending. However, the main author has ended it very well taking it from where the first part ended.

  • #760703
    The author has created a wonderful sequel and brought in best character of the daughter-in-law who expressed the desire to stay and wait till the recovery of health is made and this proves the girl was well trained by her parents and she knows the pain and agony of the elders. Some times we underestimate others that they may not suit to our likings and requirements, but the author has taken the story to next level of caring and compassion and is feel good factor. Normally the blood relation between the parents and the children will always bring them closer during the need of the life and this story has brought in even that factor to the limelight. And what is more exciting part is the things happening without expectations and add flavor to the life and the joy would be enormous to which the parents would be ever happy.
    K Mohan
    'Idhuvum Kadandhu Pogum "
    Even this challenging situation would ease

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