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  • Category: Creative Writing

    What are the best way to improve writing?

    Writing is a process where we share out thoughts on paper by writing or typing in a given document on a device or gadget. Writing helps us to think clearly and in a structured way. It reduces the speed of our thoughts and helps to channellize them based on the topic. So, it is believed that we must write to increase our sharpness in clear thinking. What are the different ways by which we can improve the writing process? Any online tool or offline technique that helps us to improve the writing skills?
  • #761288
    Writing more and more will make us improve our language skills. We should also spend some time reading. When we read we should keep an eye to know the style of writing by the author. Generally, we read to understand what is the topic can what is mentioned in that. But if we read to understand how the author is expressing his views, we will understand what are the best ways to mention our ideas. Immediately putting our ideas on a particular subject will help us to improve our writing skills. We can get the opinions of some experts on our writings and we can understand what are the areas where we can improve. So read and write for more and more time/ Definitely, there will be an improvement. When we read we may get some new words. Know the meaning of the word and try to make some sentences with that word. That will help you to improve language skills.
    always confident

  • #761291
    When we compare the US, UK and Canada type of education, more thrust is given to assent and not the writing part. Fortunately in India we have the writing compulsion for the children from Nursery and it starts with strokes. In the further classes, the children are taught how to write on dotted lines and thereafter they are asked to write within the box. Then comes the task of cursive writing and here the actual process of writing starts and one would improvise from the normal writing to the cursive writing and here the speed of writing content also increases. But those who can write straight on a plain paper and that writing is considered the best and good. There are people who write on the left hand and they write slanting and there are people who write only in capital letters and that is not allowed in any test or exam subjects.
    K Mohan
    'Idhuvum Kadandhu Pogum "
    Even this challenging situation would ease

  • #761303
    Writing or practicing to write regularly improves writing skills. However, reading too is required for improving writing. Reading enriches our vocabulary and exposes us to different writing styles, grammar, and other nuances of writing skills.

    Being active in ISC improves writing skills in multiple ways. Posting answers in the Ask Expert section or drafting an article requires reading also. Similarly, to post a response to any thread, we often need to read something. I don't know about others, but I refer to a few internet resources to ensure that my response is correct and factually correct.

    There must be many online resources or tutorials to improve writing skills, but I don't use any. However, using 'Grammarly' like tools helps significantly improve writing skills.

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