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  • Category: Cricket

    Is it South Asia cup or Asia cup?

    Now in a few days' time, the Asia cup title is given but the countries that participated are South Asian countries Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. So when the Participants are from South Asian countries why the title is given Asia cup not South Asia cup?
  • #763041
    Asia is the biggest continent and obviously big participating countries do exist spread across the same. Just because few countries from the South participating it cannot be termed as South Asia cup and that would rekindle the disparity between the region. So to avoid that the title would remain as Asia cup. By the way for any tournament or the International event, the countries participating in the competition becomes more important than the title or the event organization. Here the participating country represents their crowd and it has become prestige issue to win at any cost against the opponents. So when some countries came forward to play and show their efficacy through performance, that proves they are determined to outclass the other country. Let us enjoy the performance rather reading the things in between the lines.
    K Mohan
    'Idhuvum Kadandhu Pogum "
    Even this challenging situation would ease

  • #763073
    When a group of teams from a particular continent plays a Game for a Cup, the name of the cup is titled with the same continent. When the Entire world from a Different continent plays a game for a Cup, that is called a world Cup. Now geographically, we have 7 continents in the world named "Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia". Here you can find North America & South America but there is no "South Asia or North Asia" thus the game that is played in the Asian continent is named Asia Cup. This Asia cup is exclusive for only Asian countries and most of the International Cricket playing Nations are from the South part of Asia.

  • #763075
    Here the participants are from South Asian countries only not all Asian countries are participating. So it is meaningful to put a tile South Asian cup, not as Asia cup. If you see the border-Gavaskar trophy because border is from Australia and Gavaskar is from India so they are only two participating countries India and Australia.
    Based on the situation, humans in the society should follow an abelian group (Closure, Associative, Identity, Inverse, and Commutative)-- Bhushan

  • #763091
    It is the Asian cup only. All the countries that are playing cricket in Asia are from the Southern part of this continent only. That is why the author might have got a doubt. If tomorrow another country which is from another part of the continent we can't change the name if we call it South Asian Cup now. Many new countries are entering this game also. So chances for other countries also to join this tournament later on. There is nothing wrong with calling this cup as Asian Cup.
    always confident

  • #763092
    #763075, You have said the same thing in your thread and I have replied it #763073 with details.

  • #763102
    There are about 50 countries in the continent of Asia. However, cricket is not a popular game in all countries. The Asia Cricket Council administers the Asia Cup tournament. The full members of the council are - India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Afghanistan. Nepal, Oman, and United Arab Emirates are associate members.

    Cricket came to India during British rule. Pakistan and Bangladesh were part of India only during that period. Afghanistan and Sri Lanka were also under the influence of Britishers. Therefore, cricket became popular in these countries.

    The United Arab Emirates and Oman joined the league for entertainment. Thus, in Asia Cup, only those countries are participating where cricket is popular.

    Let us encourage each other in sharing knowledge.

  • #763808
    Many teams are playing cricket in Asia continent. But most prominent teams are from South Asia only. Hong Kong is playing here which not from South Asia. Teams like UAE, MALAYSIA, OMAN played in a tournament to enter this final stage. But Hong Kong won, and they came Dubai to play with other major teams.

    Even China wanted the help of India to develop cricket in their country. So, it is not the case that only south Asian teams playing in Asia cup. But they are the prominent players in entire Asia.

    Vimaldev.........So simple

  • #763827
    It is Asia Cup only. It is just a coincidence that these countries right now are from the southern and eastern side (Hong Kong) in this continent. Later if some other country also joins then the name remains as it is without any ambiguity in it.
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