It is high time that the school education is reviewed very seriously
Apart from the mess that is there in the school system, it remains to be seen, how many challenges will one face in implementing the so-called New Education Policy at the State level, and with the kind of spirit in which it is sought to be implemented. For example, one learns that in plus 2, after the tenth standard, it is possible to study Sociology, Political Science and History. This means that the person is open to a career in any of these three fields, and further more, go on to acquire even a doctorate degree.While all this is fine, it remains to be how many competent teachers are there in the rural and semi-urban areas, where the CBSE schools are now equal in number or even more than the State Board schools.
What we need is a big review and ensure that mere cramming does not take place. The "illam thedi kalvi" of the Tamil Nadu Government is a good scheme, where the student is made to think laterally, at least to some extent. We need innovations at every level. Let there be very serious reviews on what can be done immediately, and over the next ten years, at the school level.