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  • Category: Reward Programs

    Spot Writing Contest - A Sunday Surprize!

    We're organizing a sur'prize' contest today without any pre-announcement, as per the idea conceived by Saji Ganesh earlier, that we give a topic on any day, and schedule the contest for that day only. So what's the topic? Well, since today is a Sunday, let's have it as the topic!

    What you have to do: Submit a forum thread on the topic Sunday. It should not be a poem or a story, but a general write-up, and avoid something that has already been discussed earlier. Give a title with the word Sunday mentioned in it, and place the thread in the appropriate forum category. In fact, you can check out the forum categories and that may spark a unique idea on the topic! At the end of the text, give a link to this thread so that others are aware that it is a contest entry. After you submit the thread, give the thread's link in a response to this announcement thread for it to be considered for a prize.

    1. A member can submit only one entry.
    2. Do not give any links.
    3. Do not submit lengthy text; keep it to the usual expected length of any forum thread.

    Closing time: Submit your entries by midnight tonight (20th November 2022).

    The best thread will receive a cash reward of Rs. 75/- and a consolation prize of Rs. 50/- may be given as well to another good thread. Other entries may also be given enhanced points and cc.

    Have fun this Sunday!
  • #767120
    The contest seems to be interesting. However, since I do not understand the right way of giving a link to the thread, it would be helpful for me if any of the editors from your end help me to give a link to my competition entry which I will be posting about the above topic as required. Please consider it to be my entry.

  • #767121

    Editors and other members have often enough given you the steps on how to give the link, as also the relevant Help Topic on it that has been shared with you on each occasion. You do need to make the effort to learn instead of each time stating that you do not know how to do so. I have also started with zero know-how on such aspects and have learned and used HTML tags through a lot of trial and error.

    We do accept just the URL of the thread as the contest entry over here in this thread, though, so give that at least. Do not expect others to submit the entry on your behalf.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #767123 This is my entry to the competition.

  • #767125
    My entry for this contest is as under -
    When the charm of Sunday vanishes in air!

    Knowledge is power.

  • #767127
    Just to help you, there are some good resources on HTML in ISC itself. If you get time and go through them I am sure that you will learn the linking. Some of them are -
    Link 1
    Link 2
    Link 3

    Knowledge is power.

  • #767128
    The following is my entry for the contest
    How Sunday has become a holiday in India?

    always confident

  • #767137
    This is my entry for the contest:
    Spending Sunday by doing charity work

  • #767138
    This is my entry - dairy
    shasthranaam Ganitham moordhanisthitham

  • #767139
    This is my entry:-

    why sunday is the first day of the week

  • #767140
    My entry for the contest:-
    Sunday is not a fun day for everyone in India

  • #767141
    My entry:

    Sunday is like a mixed vegetable


  • This thread is locked for new responses. Please post your comments and questions as a separate thread.
    If required, refer to the URL of this page in your new post.