Yes sir, precisely so.
I started hearing the word precision at the badminton court in my school. While playing the game, if someone played a good shot which the opposite team could not return, my senior players used to comment 'precision perfect'. But it was much later that learned the usage was more precise than perfect.Then something I came close to the 'precise' was when we were taught 'precis writing'. Though the alphabet 'e' only was missing the meaning was quite different. Some even mis-pronounced it as precise.
Then came my science class and I learned the use of precision measurement equipment like calipers ,micrometers etc.
It was in leaning Calculus that again I had confusion about precision, as there was not accuracy or precision but a tendency to be so only with the dy, dx etc.
But when I started seeing court scenes in movies, I understood the meaning of 'to be precise' in remembering past events.
Now it is more accurate to say that precise is to be consistently correct, concurrent and congruent every time. As P G Wodehouse's Jeeves concurs 'Yes Sir, precisely"
( Entry to the Topic based Thread of the Week contest)