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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Precision in evaluation is very important

    In our country, grades are awarded to students based on their performance in the examinations. After the completion of the examinations, the answer sheets will be evaluated by teachers. The activity is called spot valuation. Each teacher will be given a target of evaluating a minimum number of papers every day and they can evaluate more papers than the prescribed number also.

    So to complete their quota, teachers will be carrying out the valuation very fast and in that process, the proper assessment may not be taking place. This may be causing injustice to the students. Recently my friend's grandson got a very low mark on his mathematics paper in SSC. They have applied for revaluation and in this process, it was observed that some additional sheets were not valued. This type of discrepancies may be happening in some other cases also.

    I think the education department should think about this and see that more importance will be given to precision in evaluation. If necessary, the quantity can be reduced and see that no student will be put to a loss because of this improper evaluation.
  • #767469
    Yes, it is quite important and students should not suffer for the mistakes of the evaluator. Evaluators are given targets and I have also heard that many teachers are given the responsibility to evaluate papers even if they are unwilling to take up the task of evaluation. When someone doesn't like the job or is not willing to take up the responsibility then there is every chance of mistakes and I think that is what has happened in the case of your friend's grandson. Though there are many evaluators in a specific exam, there should be a couple of senior evaluators too who can oversee the other regular evaluators. Their job should be to monitor the activities of other evaluators and help them when required. This is to minimise the error.

    "Life is easier when you enjoy what you do"

  • #767470
    Though the teachers are engaged to carry out evaluations fast so that they can undertake the responsibilities of taking up some more answer sheets to finish the entire process within the prescribed time. Though such a step is necessary for early completion of the process but it has been observed that some sheets attached to the main copies are not attended by the examiners due to their overlooking. This cannot be detected unless the candidates or his guardians are requesting for the reevaluation of the answer sheets. But how many candidates are approaching for such a process? I think very few are taking such initiatives and we can see the callous attitudes of examiners of evaluating the papers is creating frustration to students ultimately. In this precision should not be overlooked.

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