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  • Category: Creative Writing

    Song and dance brings Rhythm in life

    When life is getting dull, boring and stagnant all you need is some movement, fun and entertainment and what could be a betters source of all this than song and dance?
    While going on any journey just put your earphones and turn on the music or a playlist of your favourite songs and you will not even realise how a journey becomes beautiful as you will be so much immersed in beauty of lyrics and music and it also releases all the tension as well, I do it all the time and I always enjoy this. Although I am not much of a dancer in fact a very worst dance whenever I am alone I often dance to the beat of my own music and it somehow is always the best therapy. Song and dance are something that makes us feel the beauty around us and the people around us more and when it is done in the company of others it always boosts our confidence, spirit and happiness. So whenever you feel low and sad in life always try to listen to music that you like and move to its rhythm your spirit will definitely rise and your mood will improve too.
  • #768177
    A song should go with a tune. Dance requires rhythm. When we dance according to a tune, the rhythm in the dance should be as per the tune. Sow when practising dance and music we will become more systematic and that will bring rhythm in our life also.
    Hearing music while enjoying nature around us will bring joy to us and we will forget all our problems for a while. But a driver should not do that. He has to concentrate on driving of course he can hear the music but should not get immersed in it.
    Singing and dancing in a group is always a beautiful issue which will make us forget our other problems and bring happiness. Definitely, they act as medicines for anxiety and tension many times.

    always confident

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