Slip and slide and enjoy the ride
Just like any ride in the amusement park life too is full of ups and down where we sometimes slip sometimes slide, sometimes fall and sometimes rise and every time we fall from up it feels like everything is over but then we rise again and the cycle keeps on going. So whenever you feel like life is taking you at a very wrong turn and there is no light at the end of the tunnel have faith in your abilities and the lessons that life is trying to teach because just like a ride there will be more unusual twists and turns.If you still ever feel disappointed to see a child playing in the park who is going on a loop of slip and slide but still tries the next time, Find that child-like spirit and you will never be sad, demotivated and depressed again. Let the inner child in you enjoy the rides and feel the thrill though it seems difficult once you go through it you will feel it was a nice experience.