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This thread is the winner of the Thread of the Fortnight contest for the period 01st to 15th Jan '23.
  • Category: Miscellaneous

    We need to turn inwards

    Have you seen a mechanic opening up a machine to rectify the faults? Nowadays, most of the equipment we use daily is software-based and the technicians often tweak the software and the problems vanish. In such cases, there is no need to open up the equipment unless there is a major hardware issue. If there is a hardware-related issue, the only option left for the technician is to open it up to look inside and carry out the necessary replacement and repair. Many of us have some knowledge of partially unscrewing certain household items like the gas oven, covered lamp shades, etc just for minimal servicing but if the problem is complex we call the experts. They carry out the proper investigation by looking inside the equipment.

    One thing that is clear from such activities is we need to look inside anything to rectify the major problems. The same thing is applicable to our minds too. Every unnatural behaviour of ours, be it extreme cruelty, excessive craze or compulsion has an inside element that is forcing us to behave in such a way. For that, we need to turn inside and take corrective actions. There are no screws and nuts to open up the mind and we can only feel the subtle differences by remaining still and feeling what is going on inside. Unless we feel it ourselves, no outsider can do it for us. Others can guide us but cannot understand our feelings. For that, we need to turn inside and find out where the problem is. If we can become experts to look inside our minds we will be able to rectify many of our own problems.
  • #768473
    A good thought floated by the author. It is very true that if there is something wrong within us then we have to introspect and find out what is wrong there which is obstructing our work or thought process. Repairing the mind and its thinking is far more difficult than repairing a gadget or machine. The reason is that a machine does not provide any resistance when we attempt to repair it but the human mind is very complex and when one is going to repair oneself to whatever degree intended, the mind opposes it and creates all sorts of resistances that might even contain good logic at times. It becomes very difficult and sometimes almost impossible to ignore the arguments and points raised by our self to us. That is a complicated situation.
    Anyway, however difficult it might be we must try to correct ourselves when such a need arises.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #768477
    The author has made the the posting more interesting with the contrast difference between the machine and human mind. Machines require introspection before being subjected to repair and in such situations the entire assembly does not offer any resistance for the maintenance work.This might not be easy to that level in case of repairing our thought process since it might not accept the new ideas to get updated. It might create some hurdles before it is ready for the transformation for acceptance the new logic.
    The best way is to take overall analysis and for this mind should compare the merits and demerits of the past and the emerging situations.

  • #768487
    That is a very nice thread from Sankalan. Every person has to become a software engineer to turn inside see his own flaws and get them rectified. Yesterday there was a problem with my laptop. I called my regular contact for laptop repair. He asked me to open my computer and he did some modifications in the settings and now it is normal. He has seen inside and did the needful. If the problem is regarding our own behaviour, we need not go to a specialist. We can turn inside and understand the problem and then bring in amendments as required. That will make us normal. But this is not easy. Our minds should cooperate with us and our mindset should change. Earlier we discussed something about introspection.
    The first and foremost thing here is we ourselves should feel that a change is required. Then only we can do something. Otherwise, nothing will happen.

    always confident

  • #768490
    I think the ancient (and present) Ayurvedic and other native medical practitioners or Vaidyas are software Engineers ,whereas the modern surgeons are hardware Engineers.
    Ayurvedic doctors as well as experienced general physicians diagnose problems just by holding our wrist and observing eyes, tongue etc. Then they prescribe medicine or advice lifestyle changes and we get cured of the problems.

    Dwelling on the subject dealt in the latter part of thread , as mind cannot be physically identified, there cannot be any hardware repair on that. Even here also our ancient Rishis and Acharyas have prescribed how to diagnose from symptoms and they have given solutions like meditation, Yoga etc. To see the problems of mind and spirit, they have asked us to practice 'inside looking' -to develop 'Antar Drishti'. Our sacred texts show that our ancient Rishis and Sages had such Antar Drishti and Vishesh Jnaan Drishti by which they could observe, know and learn about everything which cannot be observed by our physical eyes. It is with these Jnaana Drishti that they had observed and understood about all terrestrial and extra terrestrial matters without the help of any external aids and equipment. Some of these are now proved as correct by using modern equipment(because we still have limitations in fining out many things they had experienced due to lack of equipment and knowledge)

    But luckily we have been given guidelines by our ancient Vedic Rishis and modern interpreters how to develop ability to 'see inside' by regular and proper practice.

  • #768497
    Such a deep thought. That's so true- many people find the center of their consciousness outside in others instead of diving into their own world. That is the reason people feel so incomplete and remain always in search of some sort of distraction that can satisfy their craving. We can't have more and more. We should learn to be at peace with that less and more.

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