Fights between life partners-- good or bad?
The number of life partners who do not fight on a daily basis and whose life is all milk and honey would be possibly five out of every hundred, in India. One does not know the position abroad.Fights are pretty common. These fights might occur due to differences in taste related to food, dressing habits, savings, bringing up children, and so on. The most common ones relate to food. There are wives who immediately agree to whatever the husband says and vice versa. Extreme cases where either partner is put to some abuse or the other are very rare. Some years ago, there were reports of husbands who sought police protection against their wives who would beat them up, somewhere in the North of India.
In most communities, possibly across India, there is an element of social control in the form of the role of parents and relatives on either side, who would ensure that the fights do not go out of control. This is also a healthy trend and should be encouraged. Domestic peace is very important for society's peace in general.
However, as one who has frequent fights and then patches up within the next thirty minutes, I can jolly well say that fights are quite welcome, to understand the issues far better.
Members who have different views on this subject may share details.