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  • Category: Kerala

    Hereafter teachers in schools should be addressed as 'teacher' only. No more sir/Madam.

    In many government and private organisations, addressing their bosses as Sir/Madam is a general practice. But slowly this culture in private organisations is coming down, especially in the IT establishments.

    It is also known that many of the students address their teachers as Sir/Madam. Now the Kerala State commission for protection of child rights has given a ruling saying that hereafter a child should address his/her teacher as 'teacher' only but not as Sir/Madam in the state of Kerala. The commission says that by addressing the teacher as a teacher the bonding between the teacher and student will strengthen.

    If so, why not do the same for all other organisations? I solicit the views of all other members of ISC.
  • #768708
    Author's effort appreciated. I was unaware of this rule in kerala. It is such a great step that can bring many changes especially Equality in every aspects whether it is about superiority or gender. Through it cooperation among pupils can be accelerate. There will be no more hesitancy to ask anything. People would not limit their success just to tag or position in this way. Definitely, other organisation should also follow this initiative.

  • #768715
    Just changing the prefix from Sir/Madam to 'teacher' may not produce the desired result in schools, colleges, and many organizations in our country. People address their superiors just by telling Sir/Madam before starting any conversation but these are the adopted courtesy words in our system.
    In my area, there is a group of senior citizens between whom there is an age difference also and some of the people had retired from very high positions but when we talk with each other irrespective of any feeling like that we use Sir/Madam with anyone. So in my view, these words are just a matter of tradition and do not depict any superiority or inferiority. Now we are simply substituting it with 'teacher' or some other word in any organization. I am not able to understand how that is going to make any difference in the relationship between a teacher and a student or superior and a subordinate.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #768721
    This is a ridiculous attempt by the Kerala Education Department ridiculously supported by the so-called liberal group. Addressing the teachers as 'Teachers' and not as 'Sir' or 'Ma'am' by the students won't bring any revolution in the education sector of the state.
    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #768725
    Though Kerala might have taken some steps not to address Sir and Madam to the teachers community and in lieu of that the pupils must address their teachers as teachers. Their concepts are somewhat different and they are of opinions that strengthening of the relationships between the students and teachers could be more cordial and friendly with the elimination of sir/ madam while addressing them.
    There is an emotional bond between the teacher and student and hence whatever words are used be it sir/ madam or otherwise, the relationship between them will remain in tact and nothing would come in the way of dilution of this sacred relationships.
    However, I am not going against the decision taken by the commission of the Kerala Government. Let the relationships between the duo strengthen more for the mutual benefits.

  • #768729
    It is a welcome step by the Kerala Government. It will go a long way in redefining relations between a teacher and a pupil. In the olden days too, students used to address their teachers as acharya or guruji and not mahoday (the Hindi for Sir). It was the same for th eother professions too, like rajadhiraj or maharaj for king, mantri mahashay for minister, vaidhya ji for doctor, panditji or pujariji for priest and so on. So this step by the Kerala Government is in the right direction. These days, whenever I visit a doctor, I do not anymore say Sir or Madam, I just say doctor. I had a short stint in Wipro. There the stress was to call everyone by their name, no Sir and Madam. Even in ISC or any online platforms, we should be addressing everyone by their names, irrspective of seniority in age or position. I am all for it.
    Patience and perseverance pays

  • #768730
    A teacher is one who teach. There is no gender difference in it. Hence the move to accept it as a general addressing term has a sense.
    I remember, in my student days the addressing of a male teacher was "Sir" and a female teacher "teacher ". In colloquial manner the same were "master" (mash) and teacher.


  • #768744
    I am really surprised by this ruling of the Kerala State commission for the protection of child rights. I do not understand how the child's rights are affected by addressing the teacher as 'Sir' or 'Madam'. It is only a mark of respect.
    " Be Good and Do Good "

  • #768745
    After a long last, I fully agree to the view expressed by KVRR-Sir. How does the present dictum of Kerala State Government bring a revolution (and a new dawn) in education sector?
    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

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