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  • Category: Problems/Complaints

    I have submitted an article but get blocked in a second

    I have writing an article for submission and i have just click for save and view and then suddenly a red screen appear sand have message that we have block you for some violation i haven't submitted my article. And i got mail that my request is rejected I haven't submitted my article yet than how my article get reject. After clicking on save and continue i got mail in seconds. I am unable to understand how can it be possible.

    kindly solve this problem and let me re submit my article as it's a great opportunity to work with site like
  • #768710
    DHANANJAY PANT, welcome to ISC! Before submitting any article please read the posting guidelines and participate in the Forum to know how things work here. You have newly registered on this site and from the grammatical errors in this post, it is clear that you need to improve your English before posting any article. This is a strictly moderated site and if you do not follow the posting guidelines your posts will be rejected.

    At this juncture, there is no problem to solve. You participate in the Forum discussions, post new threads and read how others members respond to each thread. That's always a good learning experience along with going through the other Help Topics. I wish you all the best.


    "Life is easier when you enjoy what you do"

  • #768726

    Dhananjay Pant,

    You said you used the save option and did not publish it. I can confirm with the admin. if this feature is an issue. Can you let us know what exactly was the message that you got on the screen?

    Also, could you tell us the article topic? In case the feature is not a technical issue, and you did submit it, the reason for the deletion could be one of many. For example, a primary reason may be that it is not related to the new niche on academics and, as hinted by the editor, it may have not been up to the mark in terms of English.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #768727
    The message stated this "Our automated system has detected some issues and your access to this site is temporarily blocked" with the following other statement like if this is a technical issue ...

    My title of the article is - Stress management for Busy Professionals

    Delete Attachment

  • #768859
    Dhananjay Pant,

    The issue has been fixed. Submit the article and the editors will review it. I suggest you do not use the save and view feature. Instead, if you wish to work on it before the final submission, you could select the save as draft feature and publish it later. Let us know if there are any further issues.

    You are advised to check other approved articles first, to understand how to present an article with the appropriate HTML tags for headings, and reminded again to submit only on topics related to the new niche on academics, such as admissions, career guidance, etc (the topic you selected would not be accepted) and also read the articles submission guidelines.

    Requesting you to change your user name to small case with only the first letter of the name and the surname in a capital letter, as anything in all caps is considered equivalent to verbal shouting.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

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