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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Thanks a million, Sirs

    A few days ago, I raised a thread on some pending payments. I had been very lazy and did not follow up on the pending payments. However, I have now woken up from my slumber and I will hereafter do everything possible to raise the request for payment immediately.

    In the given situation, where senior citizens are facing the music, money has come in handy. My bank account has been credited and there is nothing pending now.

    Thanks a million once again. Saji Sir and Tony Sir, thank you so much.
  • #768722
    AB Sivakumar,

    You could have mentioned this in your thread inquiring about the payment, rather than raising a new thread. It is hoped that henceforth invoices will be uploaded in a timely manner.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

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