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    One should help others to maintain their individuality

    In this thread when I am saying individuality it doesn't mean uniqueness. Here, from individuality I mean to say who you truly are at a deep level (Mentally, emotionally, spiritually). I have very few friends and those few are worthy to keep. While doing work, and accelerating good relationships with others we help each other to reconnect with our inner selves. Because only then we can give our best to this world. Busy schedules and external pressure make us forget to focus on such things so we act as a reminder for each other at some intervals. That boostss our energy, make us feel blessed and loved, and we are able to do our work more efficiently.

    Have you such kind of companionship?
  • #768767
    The author is right that we should have a companion providing us stimulation and energy without the least expectations. There should be resemblance of our temperaments so that a good connectivity exists in terms of spirituality and identical mentality. Sometimes it appears that it is a day dream of searching for such a companion in the current time.
    Though I find a little time to connect my younger sister on regular basis but in the hours of crisis both mentally and physically she has stood up to provide me enormous strength. Such a support provides me renewed strength in all the spheres of my life. I think such a closeness is to be felt but it might be beyond our expressions.

  • #768788
    Every person will have some moments of disappointment or difficulties. At those moments, we will look around for a person who will hear us and try to encourage us. So we should have one or two confidential friends with whom we can discuss freely. But we should be careful in selecting such friends. Some people will play a double game. They appear they are very friendly with you and we may talk to them confidentially also. But those people will pass on this information to the wrong person and see the fun.
    Lack of intimate friends is a real curse. A friend who really cares for us will be a blessing. One of my close relatives used to be very friendly with me. He used to tell me his confidential information also. So one or two issues that were very important to me I discussed with him. But later on, I came to know that he conveyed the information in a wrong to the other side. From then onwards I started discussing with him such information.

    always confident

  • #768844
    Helping and having concern for others is a great trait that is not only beneficial to others but gives satisfaction and happiness to the doer. It creates a heavenly bliss in the atmosphere and the individual feels a sort of achievement not exactly in a materialistic sense but something of spiritual nature. Such an approach to companionship is a joy forever.
    Few people can develop that type of rapport with friends or companions as it would ask a lot of prudence, patience, and kind hearted feeling towards others.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #768852
    Many among us hesitate to help others, even some comments on those helping. In those days many helped others monetary even without any documents. But now though it is not possible for monetary help, we can offer bodily help.
    In some houses I am seeing some unemployed youngsters offering their help in getting essential things for elderly people, etc.

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