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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Keeping money matters clear keeps the friendship healthy

    Having good friends is considered a great gift from God. Everyone wants to have good friends and keep the friendship alive for a long time.

    Money is an entity that many times create conflict and even brings breaks in a friendship. Money matters must be kept clear and away from friendship. There have been many instances when close friends take money from each other and then are not able to repay and that is the starting point of a sour relationship brewing in between.

    What are your views on this? Please share your experiences.
  • #768812
    We must be blessed with the maintenance of friendship but we must take care that there should not be money transaction activities among the friend circles since this could affect the intensity of friendship. Money borrowed from the friends might be delayed or in some cases, the other party would have reluctance in repayment if the amount is heavy. Let us not the dilute the relationships. Exchange of thoughts should be sustainable and even we should be participating in other social activities for the strengthening the friendship. Except the money issue, all other activities can be maintained in friendship.

  • #768825
    Money is the main issue that creates differences in the majority of people. As long as money will not come in between friendships people will not have any setbacks. But once the money factor comes in there may be some differences of opinion. So if we are clear about our money transactions and if we never expect money from our friends, there are no problems between friends.
    Even among relatives also money plays an important role. We see many families getting divided due to these money issues only. When one of the brothers is rich, he will keep the other brothers at a distance as they may expect money from him. These differences will increase once the brothers get married.
    A real friend will never expect any monetary benefits from his/ her friends.

    always confident

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