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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Synonyms - key to powerful writing

    Writing is an art and authors have to work hard to learn the intricacies of writing.
    There are many aspects that authors have to consider and one of them is using the power of synonyms. Whenever we are not happy or satisfied with a word at a place in our writings we look for its synonym. If we find a better word we substitute it.
    Members might be using the power of synonyms in their writings because they are easily available on internet sites. Earlier we were using a thesaurus (a dictionary of synonyms) for that purpose.
    Do you also sometimes search for synonyms for getting a more appropriate word?
  • #768990
    A writer should have a good grip on the language he writes. He should have a good vocabulary in that particular language. There may be many words with the almost same meaning. But sometimes we feel one of them only fits in that place. Then we will try to use the same. But if we know synonyms for that particular word, we can use them. So knowing synonyms is very important.
    Yes. Many of us may be searching for synonyms for some words. We will be searching for meaning to some words and while we search for the meanings we will come across synonyms also. On the internet, we can search for synonyms of all most all the words in English. I rarely search for synonyms. A person who is very sound in the English Language may be able to tell you various synonyms to a particular even without checking the internet.

    always confident

  • #768995
    It is really a nice representation from the author's side. We do write something but ultimately we are not satisfied with some words looking for the replacement for the same with the alternative one matching perfectly our utterances. This can be possible with the command of enriched vocabulary of the writer so that his originality of the expression is not distorted.
    In case, we are stuck up any moment in course of writing, dictionary can help us with the appropriate synonyms fitting in that sequence.

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