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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    My posting got deleted - small clarification

    My posting on the heading, 'A great advise from the right person to aspiring youngsters' has been deleted by the lead- team. I have mentioned this thread only with the intention of professionals in the public should addressing in public meetings away from politics but on the topics they have got professionalism which will be highly inspired the aspirants.
  • #768999
    Ramachandran, though the editors are not required to issue clarifications for their decisions as already said by Tony sir earlier, I am doing so as a one time measure so that you are not in doubt.

    Your thread was deleted because it was just a piece of vague information that did not call for any discussion. The title of the thread said about some great advise but the content did not mention anything about the same. The point you brought up here in this explanation was also not mentioned in that thread. Having ideas or thoughts is not sufficient. You must put it across clearly so that it becomes meaningful and calls for a valuable discussion.

    Please note that editors may not delete all such threads but they may have to resort to such actions in between so that the authors do not feel that they are on the right path. It is sort of a wake up call. Put in some more time and effort while drafting contents and revise and redraft the same so that it adheres to the guidelines and is clear in conception and conveying.

    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #769218
    Ramachandran, if you have no further queries, shall I lock this thread assuming that you are satisfied and have understood the point in the response above?
    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #769253
    Yes, ok.

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