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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    The economy gets a boost through the service sector

    Recession or no recession, the beauty business seems to be booming all over. There are beauty parlors coming up even in villages. People are spending on pure drinking water like never before.

    There is a range of services that are becoming necessities. If one has AC in his or her house ( a necessity these days), the AC needs a service mechanic, who does not charge anything less than Rs.500 for a single service, even in small towns. The electrician and the plumber are two professionals who need to visit our homes, more than ever before. Professional gardeners are difficult to get as well.

    The service sector keeps growing by leaps and bounds. There is not a single day when one hears about a new service coming up. Even small tea shops are now being branded. Since this particular service is always considered "essential" and not "desirable", there will be a big boom in such services at all times. Rs.12 per tea with s slightly better quality is a big hit. The Rs.10 tea guy is found napping.

    Well, since the cash flow is always good, the trickle-down theory works. The guys keep on building the small-scale and unorganized sector. For example, Coca-cola does not sell. But local brands make enough money.

    The service sector is likely to boost the economy at all times.
  • #769065
    The demand of the commodities would get a further boost since spending spree of the customers has multiplied manifold due to comfortable supply of money. The pattern of spendings was not as comfortable as prevailing this time due to resource - crunch.
    If we look around, we would come across a lot of people not minding spending even for thousands of rupees for the entertainment of their friends and guests. This reflects that their income has raised significantly to meet such spending. This is indeed the reflection of our growing economy.

  • #769075
    Service sector is booming. Many new avenues are opening up. Many people are getting jobs as delivery boys. Many caterers are back in the business. Apps like Urban Clap are sending technicians and other service providers to do the service required by the customers. So we can see further a big growth.
    Many government companies are out sourcing for maintenance and house keeping works. So some people are pooling up man power and supplying to them for rendering works. Even SBI is also having such system. All these are adding chances for the service sector.
    This boom is mainly due to the affordability of the people. In earlier days money circulation was less and people were not spending money on luxurious. They were giving more importance to savings. But now the trend is different. Saving concept has taken a back seat. The IT sector is giving good salaries to their employees and that is bringing all these developments.

    always confident

  • #769083
    Sivakumar, sir, why do you opt to be so confusing? Do you know what message you are trying to convey? I doubt. Talking about economy! Do you mean it? I suggest you to be clear in whatever you say..
    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #769085
    On the one hand, you have come up with threads talking about inflation and the economy sliding; now here you are talking about a booming economy due to the service sector.

    Also, I am confused. How is the lack of sales of Coca-Cola related to the service sector?

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

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