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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    A durable peace can be achieved.

    2023 is started with a hope to the entire humanity that world peace will be in place and this year might be pour its valuable efforts to achieve that goal. Everyone living in any part of the globe expecting the same.

    Russia -Ukraine conflict is a main threat against to achieve a durable peace in front of the entire humanity. It can be developed any time to destroy a major part of the world. So, the world leaders should focus to put water on that BIGGG fire.

    China is another threat towards the world peace. We know that China got one or other issue with all of its neighboring countries. They are provoking India also.

    Tussle between Iran and Israel is another issue. Israel has issue with Palestine which is a long-lasting ethnic crisis. So, we have to pray that no such conflicts arise in that part of the world.

    Hope that the above-mentioned issues or any other issues should not arise as a threat so that we can achieve a durable peace in our beloved EARTH....
  • #769153
    Many countries across the globe are having enmity with their neighboring countries. The tussle between these countries may shape up as world war also. So there is no peace in many countries. Israel, Iraq, Russia, Ukraine, China etc. are some of such nations. China is trying to provoke India. As India is a peace loving country, it is showing patience.
    Durable world peace can be achieved by having patience and friendly nature with its neighboring countries. But because of the selfish nature of some of the big leaders we are not able to attain that. Why war between Ukraine and Russia?
    The UNO is not able to bring peace among various nations irrespective of its attempts. There should be an agreement between the nations and that should be monitored by the UNO and see that there will be durable peace across the world in all nations.

    always confident

  • #769179

    This world is a big place and there are a variety of people living in it. A large portion of this population is peace-loving but there are some evil elements and evil groups who do not want peace to remain a permanent feature on this planet. There are reasons for that and one of the main things is that these evil elements make money as their business is to create conflict, terror, war, and other problems so that they can derive their mean purposes through it. For example, some nations have territory expansion in their minds. They attack nearby countries and it arises conflict and confrontation. Similarly, there are some countries which want to dominate trade and business in the world and for that, they will use even wrong path and start fighting with those who do not co-operate with them. Then some religious groups are very fundamental in their thinking and they believe that they must attack others and grab their property and rule them. So due to all these negative and evil powers existing on earth, achieving peace becomes a far dream.

    Knowledge is power.

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