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    Indian goods are not durable. It is a myth now

    In earlier days, in our country, we were not getting Indian-made electronic goods. A few companies might be making them but they are not durable. Only rich people used to import these electronic goods from other countries. Import duties were very high those days. Smuggling was a big business those days and many people were purchasing them. Even small items like Cameras and wristwatches were being smuggled in a big way.

    India was not having proper facilities to produce defence products. More than 90% of the requirement was imported items only. Defence organizations were having no faith in Indian-made products. No Indian private organization was allowed to produce any defence product saying that the shelf life of the product is less and is not durable.

    But slowly Indian manufacturing opened up. Many Indian companies started producing quality items. Now almost all electronic goods are getting produced in our country itself and no imported items. All major companies started their manufacturing units and making standard products.

    Defence and space requirements are also produced in Indian private organizations also these days and they are on par with imported goods. The governments are encouraging manufacturing in India and manufacturers are being offered some incentives also. The make in India program is also attaining the attention of various companies. The users are accepting that Indian goods are also durable.

    So we need not believe if somebody says that Indian-made goods are not durable, It is a myth only.

    This is my submission for
    January 2023 Topic TOW contest - Durable
  • #769245
    Yes agree, these days our manufacturing capabilities are getting better and better. No more are we laggards in making quality goods. From ordinary toothbrushes to sophisticated rockets and missiles, our products are second to none or at least in the same league as the best in their categories. India's Tejas aircraft is one such example. Whoever had expected India to be producing such latest generation fighter aircraft? Nations across the world are showing interest in the aircraft and hopefully in the years to come India will be a net exporter of defence goods and will not have to depend on countries like Russia, the US or Europe. But then these have been possible because of years of effort and hard work by our scientists, engineers and everyone else connected with their development. However, a lot is still to be achieved. We have to catch up with countries like China, Taiwan and many others. We are still importing a lot many goods from others. Hopefully, it will get reversed one day.
    Patience and perseverance pays

  • #769246
    It is the other way. We who had experienced Indian-made goods feel that they were much durable, were able to be repaired and their usable life extended for many years. The two examples I can say are HMT watches and Ambassador cars. They are remaining as nostalgia now. The spare parts were available and repair technicians were real experts too. Our umbrellas were having durability. We never purchased new umbrellas every year as we have to do now.

    There were just a few (even just one or two only)brands for each product but each brand was equally good and durable. Quality and durability were given preference and importance by the manufacturers.

  • #769247
    The earlier trend of importing the defence items have been curtailed considerably due to our own production in this line. It has been possible because of sincere involvement of knowing the different mechanism of assembling aircrafts, manufacturing our own cars, scooters, vehicles having maintained the best quality standards.
    With the progress of research, we always try to update our versions matching the expectations of our customers. This has definitely created confidence among the customers of purchasing the Indian made items to be used in different situations. The main reason for purchasing such items is its durability and cost friendly.

  • #769252
    I totally agree with the author. But my view is the manufacturers of such items intentionally make their products with some less durability so as to repeat the buying. Service personnel also opt for discarding the products when approached for service and are advised to go for a new one.

  • #769268
    India is progressing ahead in the manufacturing of various items and now the ambitious make in India program is giving good results. India has great capacity for manufacturing as we have sufficient finances, manpower, and raw material for manufacturing anything from a toy to a defence weapon. Our production is on an all time high and increasing further.
    Indian goods are getting good attention in the international market and items like tea, spices, cotton clothes, and many such items are being imported by many foreign countries on a regular basis. It is good for India as we are earning valuable foreign exchange on account of that export. We have seen the large scale manufacturing of Covid vaccine during the pandemic which was a record in itself and world took a surprised note of that.
    Once our manufacturing capacity increases further we would be surpassing China in this regard and will become number one exporter in the world.

    Knowledge is power.

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