Nothing is durable, change is the only constant thing.
Since we started understanding our nature, starting feelings towards it, we have seen it always changing. What is permanent in our nature? This is very difficult to answer and this is what I came up with on this thread.To start with, like we have day and night. We never have constant day or night , it has a fixed timing depending on the place of our mother earth. The weather is never permanent, it changes with time. We never always have cold weather, hot or rainy. Likewise, we have autumn where old leaves fall from the trees and new leaves come.
We live our life in stages. It's never a constant stage. We are born as a child, then we become young, adults and older. One day we leave this body and go away. We never live forever. This is a cruel truth.
In our mother nature, everything has its expiry date as long as we can see from our eyes. Some may take longer , some may take less, but nothing stays here forever.
We should not take pride if we are wealthy, powerful or rich. Nothing will stay with us. When we depart, we will depart empty-handed. So, we should all be happy about what we have with us. Thanking God the Supreme power, because nothing is durable, we should keep this in our mind.
( January 2023 topic based TOW contest - Durable)