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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    The digitial world of today has made even a common man become renowned.

    The universe has undergone significant changes due to advancements in technology in various fields.
    Before the advent of the internet, people got prominent only because of their good work for society. Furthermore, professionals such as scientists, doctors, engineers, and people who worked in other noticeable areas toiled hard to invent and discover some things useful for the well-being of the people. To add on, philanthropists donated a huge sum of money to the needy. It took the people of the above age group many years to become famous. Film stars and sports persons also worked very hard to hold some records.

    However, after the introduction of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and others including electronic media, people are communicating with the public and can reach out to thousands and thousands of people. Not only do they become famous but also earn a significant amount of income.

    For example, some you tubers have many followers and earn a reasonable amount of money by posting videos. Even homemakers have now become famous because of their YouTube channels where they post recipes, stitching, art, and craft, and showcase their talents.

    However, there are some downsides as well as merits of this developments. Could we discuss various advantages and disadvantages of the above aspects?
  • #769485
    That is true, Social media is helping a common man to get some money through his postings and also becoming famous. This is more so for the people who post videos regularly on You tube. The ideas they are having are reaching many people through the videos they are sharing on social media.
    In the same many young singers and other artists are having more opportunities as there are many channels. These channels are providing chances to young people to participate in various programmes they conduct and the competitions they are conducting. There are more avenues to show our capabilities and real talented people are getting encouragement. Nowadays we see many young children showcasing their skills through these channels and getting a lot of recognition. Really technology is helping them a lot and in coming days we will see much more developments in this field.

    always confident

  • #769491
    Social media has given some people an opportunity to become overnight famous but the only condition is that the information about them or the content uploaded by them should become viral and should be seen by millions of people in no time. That is the power of social media that we are witnessing today.
    But such cases are very few if we see their percentage with respect to the total contributions made by people in the social media.
    As regards to earning made by people in YouTube and similar sites, yes, there was a time when people made money but today the earnings have gone down much and the amount of earning for which earlier 1000 views were required, today at least 15000 views are a must. So only a few YouTubers are earning whose views are very high. This is also true for many big sites where earlier people were earning through ad sharing program but today those earnings have drastically gone down.

    Knowledge is power.

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