Beware of some online fraudulent job sites!
There is a craze for online jobs as people want to make some part time income. Students, housewife, and other people having some spare time are always in search of such online opportunities.There are some fraudulent online job sites which promise payment against the various types of online jobs like data entry, write ups, stories, translation, question- answer etc. Many people are attracted to these sites and sign up and register. What these sites do is they will inform the user that there are many jobs available but user will have to first register by depositing a small amount say Rs 100 and then jobs will be allotted to him and once he completes them revenue will start coming to him. Many gullible people pay this hundred rupee but then they don't get any job or any information from such fraudulent sites. If they lodge a complaint then as we all know that as cyber criminals are well beyond our normal law and order agencies, people lose money and these sites earn through registration as a large number of people are attracted to it and pay that small amount.
We should be very careful about the modus operandi of these fraudulent sites and try to understand that why they are asking 100 rupees in advance and why they cannot deduct some amount from our earnings and earn themselves as many genuine sites are doing.
If we understand that logic then we will never pay the registration fee.
This is only one example but there are many other modes through which online sites are making money so we have to understand their method of cheating people and should avoid them as far as possible.
Have you got any experience regarding such sites? Please share your views.