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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    What would you prefer - to speak or to listen?

    Some people are always ready to give a lecture or make a speech or deliver a small talk. At the same time there are many who simply like to listen and sit comfortably and attend to what the speaker is telling. We have seen people falling under these two main categories as regards to speaking or listening in our surroundings as well as in society and in fact everywhere.
    What would you prefer if you are given a choice to speak on something or just listen to something being spoken by other person?
    I myself will prefer to speak or deliver a lecture. What about you? Please share.
  • #769698
    As a proud student occupying the last bench in school-college-universities, I always prefer to listen. In fact, even now, I hesitate to speak in front of even five persons. I could not learn this from my wife or my daughter.
    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #769700
    The author is rather interested to acquire knowledge in the different domains and he finds himself comfortable in delivering lectures or speak before the audience. This is definitely a healthy hobby if the listeners are equally interested to hear what the author would like to dwell in his lectures. We could get a lot of listeners but if the session is made more interesting with the efficient handling of the mobs, it would be the credit of the lecturer.
    In my case, I would like to be a listener and would take the back seat to listen to the lecturer to extract benefits of his talks.

  • #769712
    I like to do both, I am not someone who can only listen or only speak. If I have to listen to someone, they too should bear on me while listening to what I say.

  • #769715
    That will depend on the situation, the platform and the audience. This will differ from person to person, situation to situation. If all the audience are school going children, I like to speak to them and tell them my views and I will also encourage them to come out with their views and I will try to brief them about my views also. When an eminent speaker is speaking before us, I prefer to listen to him so that I will get enriched with knowledge.
    But one should have both habits. They should hear and at the same time they should speak. We should not do only one of the two always. If the subject is new and you have no knowledge you should not speak but you should hear. When you go to a doctor you should hear what he is telling and you should ask your doubts. When the teacher is explaining a concept you should hear and come out with any doubts your have. So please speak when required and please listen always so that you will have a basis for your speaking.

    always confident

  • #769722
    I feel the people who fall under the category of good listeners are in the minority which makes them special. The reason is they are always liked by people because they do not advise the speaker and listen to them even if they do not agree with them. This is a rare quality that makes me admire the person who is interested in listening rather than speaking. Further, they are considered as harmless souls who would never question the wrongdoers because they mind their own business. However, people should also speak out when necessary and should not just listen to the problem and just remain silent after listening to it.

  • #769841
    Listening is more important before speaking. Partial listening or improper listening will lead one to disaster. As per Silappathikaram, Pandya king, Nedunchezhiyan, who faced bad name and died from his throne because he ordered to kill Kovalan, a merchant from Chozha destiny by listening improperly and decided Kovalan as culprit.
    Many people I have seen running here and there in railway stations, by hearing the announcements improperly.

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