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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Request to concerned editor for deletion or correcting my forum post

    Today morning I have posted a forum post as entry to the month end contest topic 'reading'. I have done some mistake in linking the contest announcement post in the end of my post. Now, when I am opening my post there is a blank screen covering it.

    Now, I have to delete that link but I cannot edit as the edit button is behind the blank screen. I request the editor to please either correct that if possible or delete the post so that I can resubmit it.
    Inconvenience is regretted.
  • #769880
    The needful has been done. Please check and confirm.
    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #769883
    It is working now. Thanks for quick redressal of the problem and help extended. Appreciate much.
    Knowledge is power.

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