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  • Category: General

    How to reduce the tendency of copying by students during the examinations?

    Many students who have not studied well during the year always try to copy during the examinations. Though there is strict monitoring by the invigilators in the examination hall still some students try newer and innovative methods for copying. School management and other controlling agencies have a tough time during the examination in stopping the students for copying and catching them red handed.
    What measures can be taken in your view to reduce the tendency of copying by students during the examinations? Strict vigilance is one thing but apart from that if there is anything which can be changed in our education system so that the students do not attempt copying during the examination can be discussed in this thread. Please share your views and opinions in the matter.
  • #770018
    The author has touched a very useful point relevant to the students of the present time. Though it is not applicable to all the communities of students but there are some interested to pass out the examinations without putting their due efforts to get themselves familiar with their course patterns. We need to discipline them with the introduction of new set of question- papers so that the students sitting in the back bench would not be able to copy the answers of the student sitting in the front bench due to his different set of questions. It would not be difficult to difficult to distribute four different types of questions sets among the students such that it is not matching in any way to other students. Still better, they should be forewarned regarding the new arrangement to be implemented by the school.

  • #770036
    Many institutions encourage copying and mass copying is also taking place in some institutes. Especially some private schools and colleges are encouraging this. First of all such institutions should be closed down and their recognition should be cancelled. Then the other institutions will get a lesson.
    During the examination, two teachers will be invigilating the students and if they found any student copying they should immediately be suspended without any mercy. But keeping the future of the students' many teachers never do.
    Another way is to introduce the open-book examination method. I heard in some countries this system is in place. The student can carry a book and see and make the answer to the question asked. That may help in stopping copying. Another way is to change the question papers from person to person. This will make students not copy from the neighbour student's answer sheets.

    always confident

  • #770037
    I think now copying has come down in normal academic exams and copying is now more resorted to in some entrance and selection exams for jobs.

    Most students are not interested in scores or marks and want to 'just pass'. The score/mark allocation system is mad so easy and dilute with so many conditions favoring students that even without wring correct answer to even a single question, students can get pass marks. They know or their parents to know how to manage further things in life after the academic qualifying exams.
    Removing of Ranks and rank list, percentages, and giving broad slabs for differentiating grades etc. have taken the charm out from scoring marks. Even the bright, studious, hardworking students also do not take things so seriously now, as they know they do not stand to gain anything by putting so much efforts .

    So in my opinion, after a few years there will not be any copying in academic exams as it will not worth even that effort, as it is made effortless to pass.

  • #770046
    Mostly no all students are copying in examinations. Only certain persons with the intention of copying appear for examination without proper preparations. They casually come to the examination hall with the mind of copying and therefore well prepared with bits etc., However we cannot underestimate the supervisors as they are not noticing their copying. As experienced supervisors we can easily identify the students appeared with the copying intention.
    However the poor preparation is the main reason for copying in the examinations.

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