Reading is an art to be successful
Art is the ability of a person to represent ample amount of information into an concise and precise form via a picture or text. Reading is the ability of a person to comprehend the text and get to know new information either something factual or something which we know adding an extra detail to our own collection of information. To be successful, we need to be adaptive to the change in our surrounding with new innovations and updates. Reading fosters us to think beyond the box. Pushing ourselves out of the comfort zone which boost a sound mind and a peaceful sleep. Health is wealth, we all know, but if someone who has difficulty in sleeping, in my personal experience, reading is the best cure. This method is highly productive and helpful in the long term with no side effects and medications required. We must be selective and choosy before beginning to read random stuff. There are mainly three types of readers - slow readers, average readers and fast readers. And, a person can also switch the speed of his/her reading according to the capacity and time permit. To understand the text, read slowly. To get an gist of the whole thing, read at an average speed. To get a overview, glance through the words like a fast reader. Reading fast is the best of all because it would save time, huge portions can be covered, keywords will be emphasized and can retain for longer time. To read fast, glance through one sentence per second. You may slow down by glancing one sentence per two second. Lastly, without a goal, there's nothing on this planet which is successful. If you observe closely nature, you will get to know there's a strong and sharp discipline. Everything happens at a particular time. Close your eyes and feel the periodic rhythmicity, you will be amazed to know the influential coordination of the multiple signalling pathways which crosstalk to be successful. In this same way, our brain can activate the signal to comprehend multiple words and crosstalk to provide a conclusive feedback.http://This is my entry to the TOW CONTEST "READING".com