Yesteryear techniques followed in temples
It is heard and seen that there were efforts made by then Governments to have oil lamps on streets for lighting in public places during the night. Further to that it has been seen in Temples there was a follow-up to have oil lamps in circular carvings on the floor. They put an oil lamp in the center and around the lamp they pour some water and it was told that the brightness of the lamp was got increased in that area well. Such Circler engravings were called 'Vallaavi'.This technique followed in those days. By following the technique, I tried one day in my house, when there was a power cut. I put a small stand in the middle of a hollow plate with water and lit a candle on the small stand, I realized the good effect of that old technique.
Yesterday I went to a temple in Madurai, called Koodal Azhagar Temple. When I did the round of the prakaar (outer part of the Sanctum), I saw similar engravements on the ground. I then, realized what I have read earlier about the Pallavi.