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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Happy International Women's Day

    Happy International Women's Day to all the women of the ISC family. International women's day is celebrated on 8 March every year.

    It is the day when we can remember the contribution of women like our mothers, sister, teacher, etc in our lives and in society. Women have contributed in all fields and there is nothing a field where the contribution of women is negligible.

    So, salute to all the women, and happy IWD again.
  • #770242
    Women always occupy the front seat in our lives. They are responsible for our success in life. That is why ladies should be respected always. In any house where a lady is not happy, that house will never prosper.
    In our lives, parents are very important and they are the Gods whom we can see. In them, the mother occupies the first place and then comes the father.
    When we are all worried about our careers and earnings, our wives will be taking care of the house and managing it without bringing the problems to our notice. When we have any issues regarding our career also she will support us and try to help us by making us more assertive and positive.
    In old age, daughters are the people who take care of us and support us and see that we are comfortable.
    Like this, during our lives at all stages, there will be a lady who is responsible for our success. It is our duty to respect them always.
    A happy women's day to all the members of ISC. Many many happy returns of the day.

    always confident

  • #770247
    Thank you author and Dr.Rao for their wishes and I extend my wishes to all women ISC ians.
    shasthranaam Ganitham moordhanisthitham

  • #770255
    Happy womens day and salute to all the women in the world who are engaged in raising the families and taking care of households and making the family stable and strength full to struggle in this difficult world. In the present scenario there are women who are not only taking care of the household but are going out and making an earning also. It is a matter of great proud for all of us that women have come out of the enclosure of the house and are seen working everywhere even in the remote and extreme difficult situations.
    In our culture, women were always considered as a source of power and were respected in the form of Devi or Durga. She was always an embodiment of power and is still like that. In coming times women empowerment is going to take more powerful shape and then complete equality between the genders would be achieved.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #770256
    I salute the women folk for supporting their families selflessly. They can go to any length to raise their sons, daughters and their husbands. In the hours of distress, they would come forefront to guide us how best the present problem can be overcome.
    They can sacrifice all their comforts if the situation demands and hence, they are unparalleled in respect of extending their helps. We can see that they are very comfortable in raising their families in the distressful hours.
    Their caliber and strength must be recognised in the right perspectives. There should not be any inequality in terms of their labour.

  • #770261
    As we commemorate International Women's Day, let us not forget the many challenges that women face around the world, including discrimination, violence, poverty, and lack of opportunities. Let us also recognize the intersectional nature of these issues, and the particular struggles of marginalized women, We must stand together in solidarity and demand change from our governments, institutions, and communities."
    Service to mankind is service to God.

  • #770267
    In the Indian society, we can see how challenging it is to perform a job with outstanding order. This can be possible with the full concentration of the job taken in hand. Let us not discriminate between the two genders having our biased opinions crediting the superiority of a particular sex.
    What is needed to achieve full clarity of the job to be undertaken and full analysis is to be done how assigned job can be done in the different way so that it could enhance our rapport with our involvement. We need to focus on the job so that it ultimately proves to be unique with our honest approach.

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