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This thread is the co-winner of a special prize in the Thread of the Fortnight contest for the period 01st to 15th Mar '23
  • Category: Miscellaneous

    When we think positive,other think positive,When we think other also think negative.

    The idea that our thoughts and attitudes can have an impact on the thoughts and attitudes of others is rooted in the concept of social influence. It is true that our attitudes and behaviors can influence those around us, and this can be both positive and negative.

    When we think positively about others, we may communicate this positivity through our words and actions, which can in turn influence the way others think and feel about themselves. For example, if we give someone a compliment or express gratitude for something they have done, they may feel more positive and confident as a result.

    On the other hand, if we have negative thoughts or attitudes towards others, we may also communicate this negativity in our interactions with them. This can lead to a cycle of negative thoughts and feelings, where each person's negativity reinforces the other's.

    It's worth noting that our thoughts and attitudes are just one factor that can influence others, and there are many other factors at play in any social interaction. However, being aware of the potential impact of our thoughts and attitudes on others can help us to cultivate positive relationships and promote positive social interactions.
  • #770257
    The impact of the surroundings and people around us will be there on us. In the same way, our influence will be there on the people around us and in our surroundings.
    We get negative or positive energy from the people around us. At the same time, we will also exercise influence on the people around us, But the degree of influence will change from person to person.
    I firmly believe that the mindset of the individual will play an important role in the individual and changing the mindset is very difficult.
    My father is 90 years old. He always worries about his health. He starts worrying today thinking about how it will be tomorrow. That is making him mentally sick. All our family members try to change his mindset but it never changes.
    So surroundings play an important role. But more than that the thinking process of the individual will have a big impact I feel.

    always confident

  • #770258
    We are ourselves responsible for creating a surrounding of negativity. It starts with our negative emotions and the listeners will not be comfortable with such such thoughts. On the other hand, the environment will be charged with positivity with our positive approach.
    I am very sure that it is difficult to change the mindset of the people forcefully but we need to encourage to change their attitudes and see how they can see the improvement in their health status with the change of their attitudes.
    To some extent, the surrounding where we live is also attributable to change our mindset.

  • #770259
    Yes, thinking positively is necessary if want to be happy in life. It is right if we think positively, others think positively. so, always be positive in your nature. Thought is not a problem, the problem is thinking. I have also raised a thread control your thinking if you want to be happy.

    So, thinking creates problems. If think positively all is good and if we think negatively all is bad.

    Honesty is the best policy.

  • #770276
    There are all types of people in this world. Some have a positive mindset while many others do not have such a constructive feeling. Positive people see the world differently. Right from their behaviour to their actions everything is positive. There outlook to the life is based on hope and ambitions. They never get dejected by failures. They will do maximum efforts to reach their objectives and that is why they are known as positive people. They see the brighter side of life rather than its shadows and low lights. The interesting thing about these positive people is that the persons who come in their contact also feel happy and excited for doing something constructive. There cannot be anything better than company of a positive person. They spread the message of positive thoughts everywhere.
    On the other hand negative people are a source of sadness and destruction. They are not liked by others and people avoid their company.

    Knowledge is power.

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