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This thread is the co-winner in the Thread of the Fortnight contest for the period 01st to 15th Mar '23
  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Inside-the-box thinking or out-of-the-box thinking. Which is better?

    We all will have some problems in our work area. We may be thinking about these problems to find out a solution for the problem.

    When we discuss with a colleague who is also connected with the problem and working in that area, he/ she will think about the issue while keeping the constraints that are existing in that area of work. So there will be some limitations to his/her thought process. That colleague will think inside the box only. That means the thinking process will be within the boundaries only. But when we discuss the same problem with another person who is not connected to that area of work, the thinking may be without any boundaries. That thinking is called out-of-box thinking.

    Many people say out-of-the-box thinking is much better to get better solutions. But personally, I feel inside-the-box thinking is also beneficial sometimes. What is the use of a solution which can't be implemented in a given environment?

    I like to know the opinions of the members on this issue.
  • #770260
    In my opinion, thinking outside the box is better than thinking inside the box. Thinking outside the box will provide you with a new and better solution to any problem. Outside-the-box thinking is believed to be creative and innovative thinking.
    Honesty is the best policy.

  • #770264
    Broadly speaking there are two types of problems encountered in any organisation. The first one is of routine type and for solving that there is ample expertise available in house and a lot of experience is there for resolving the same. It would be rare that we would be requiring out of box solutions for those established practices. The second type is related to occasional problems as well as some complex issues. In such cases either outside expertise is needed or out of box thinking by the employees themselves can help in mitigating the problems. So it all depends on the context in which we are going to devise a solution.
    There are some employees in every organisation who are very intelligent and had a foresight in business and administrative matters. Management has to take a note of such people and in times of adversity call them and ask their opinion before going for any external expert solution.
    Another thing which we have to keep in our mind is that any solution whether it is a in house solution or out of the box solution we must see its applications and implications in long run so that before adopting them we must know the pros and cons of the solutions suggested.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #770272
    Both the methods have their own advantages and can be useful in different scenarios.

    One of the method involves thinking within the constraints of existing framework, it is tried and tested, the outcome is predictable. On the other hand, second method involves breaking free from the constraints. It allows you to go beyond the known conventions. There is a scope of new possibilities and perspective.

    Now, the choice lies with us based on the problem that we have in hand and it should be a smart choice. If the problem is well-defined and the goal is to optimize an existing system, inside-the-box thinking may be more appropriate. If the problem is complex, ambiguous, or requires creative solutions, out-of-the-box thinking may be more effective.

    In my opinion, neither of the approach is better that the other. They both have their strength and weakness, the most effective approach will depend on the situation that is at hand.

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