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    Do wrong doers talk too much?

    It is not necessarily true that all wrongdoers talk too much. However, in some cases, people who engage in wrongful behavior may talk more than necessary because they feel the need to justify their actions or cover up their wrongdoing. This can be a defense mechanism to avoid being caught or to avoid feeling guilty.

    Moreover, some wrongdoers may also talk too much because they are trying to manipulate the situation or the people around them. By dominating the conversation, they may be able to control the narrative and sway others' opinions in their favor.

    It is important to note that not all wrongdoers behave in the same way, and their reasons for talking too much may also vary depending on the individual and the circumstances of the situation.
  • #770464
    There are some people who make money and their career by wrong doing. These people are very clever and intelligent and take advantage of the loopholes in the system.
    Some of them may talk less or some of them may talk more, that is not the main point but the point is whenever they talk they make the people believe that they are very honest and devoted for the welfare of poor and development of the country.
    Gullible people believe in them and follow them. Those who take favors from them also follow them.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #770477
    The author is right. I have also noted such persons as they are doing like this to establish their doing as right and make others to believe they are doing and telling correct. Similarly some people raise their voice while talking after doing wrong things.
    My mother used to tell this type of persons in a form of story. A wife made rice into porridge, papad become black while cooking. Some fear in her mind whether the husband would scold her. So, immediately on his entering into the house, she start telling him as,' rice made as porridge and papad become black, it seems to be your hands are coming to beat me, but everything because of you only'. She told this in raised voice and by hearing this husband got stunned and kept quite without saying anything.

  • #770487
    Yes. All wrongdoers need not be talking too much. We all know Mahabharat. Sakuni is the person who provoked Duryodhana and saw that he will always oppose Pandavas. But Sakuni never talked too much. He made others talk too much.
    There are wrongdoers who talk too much. There are some political leaders who talk too much and see that the voters will believe them. But later on, they do exactly the opposite of what they talked about. But poor citizens will never realise the same.
    If a person is doing something wrong intentionally and wanted to believe people that what he did is not wrong, then he has to make a big exercise to convince others. In such a case, he may have to talk more. But we should consider all talkative people as wrongdoers.

    always confident

  • #770543
    Let wrong doers be wrong doers and right doers be right doers. It is waste of time judging people unless and until they harm us physically or emotionally! According to universal law of Thermodynamics related to entropy. Entropy of the universe (not system) always increases! If we try to change, then we are wasting our time and energy! because it is a universal principle.
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  • #770557
    Roshan Salim, the question is whether wrong-doers talk too much and if so, why do they do so?
    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #770561
    Saji Ganesh,

    The answer is subjective in this case. There can be wrong doers who talks alot like me and wrong doers who talks less. It varies from person to person. The talkative wrong doers may be doing so to hide their wrong doings, justify their actions, seeking attention to their action so as to impress people so that their wrong deeds never gets highlighted and people think them normal. Chatterbox wrongdoers may be trying to cover their tracks or distract others from the truth. This is what I feel.

    Thank You

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