Active GD- Do we have the right to destroy public property? Yes or No?- Best Participants
The topic for the GD was whether we have the right to destroy public property and the limits to expressing our dissent. The discussion was, though, one-sided, as expected, and the participants mainly concentrated on the public property part but we did have some interesting points trickling down as to the role of the government in managing such situations and also the right of the people to have a dissenting opinion, which was also a part of the GD.Thanking all the members who took time to participate in this discussion, we are now announcing the Best Participants of this Active GD-
1. Dr N.V.Srinivasa Rao
2. Sheo Shankar Jha and
3. Shampa Sadhya
The best participants will receive a cash reward of Rs 150/- each.
All other eligible participants may also be rewarded suitably.
It would not be out of place to mention here that members like Annu Yadav and Neethu, who did drop in with very relevant and valid points but did not actually take part in the discussion, has real potential to be good debaters.
Friends, please join me to congratulate the winners.